China and India making huge leaps through technology

Indian consumers have made a rapid leap into smartphone usage for financial services.
Indian consumers have made a rapid leap into smartphone usage for financial services. Prashanth Vishwanathan/Bloomberg
by Mark Eggleton

While Australian consumers continue to avail themselves of online payment services in very high numbers, our usage of smartphone wallets remains low compared to many countries in the region.

China stands out with smartphone wallet technology being used by over 70 per cent of those using online payments services while Australia still hovers around 5 per cent. The numbers come from IDC Financial Insights and ACI Worldwide's most recent report on The future of digital payments: the Asian consumer's evolving appetite for new methods of payments.

Speaking at The Australian Financial Review's recent smart payments roundtable conducted in partnership with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, IDC Australia/New Zealand managing director Ullrich Loeffler said we have to differentiate between the mature and the emerging markets such as China and India which also boasts strong smartphone payments usage.

"In the mature markets like Australia there's a lot of credit card distribution or penetration and most Australians have a bank account whereas in emerging countries that's not the case. They leapfrog the plastic and go straight to mobile solutions," Loeffler says.

It makes perfect sense. According to the Asia Development Bank (ADB) there were only 27 per cent of adults in emerging markets who had a bank account in 2014. Bearing this in mind, it's no surprise that financial inclusion efforts have been a key feature of national level macro-policy for many governments in the region. Unfortunately, banks have traditionally not been so keen to delve into the provision of low-performing transactional accounts for lower socio-economic groups. They have struggled to find the right business model that works for them.

Where banks have traditionally struggled, some telcos and pure-play technology companies have moved in. IDC's report found telcos, in particular, have historically been adept at dealing with and maintaining profitability from customers with very low monthly transaction values — characteristics that are similar to services for the unbanked and underbanked.

"Utilising such business models and infusing them with fresh energy and innovation from fintech players could give rise to truly innovative and sustainable business frameworks for service providers to finally take another look at this segment with renewed enthusiasm," the report states.

Businesses must adapt

One particular boon for Australian business is it can now tap into these emerging markets and utilise payment systems available through social media such as AliPay, WeChat Pay and access Chinese consumers. It is a way of capitalising on China's growing middle class without having to build a physical presence in China.

The challenge for Australia is ensuring we are able to adapt our payment systems to mirror the technology available to those in emerging markets.

"Chinese consumers are used to more mobile payment solutions in China, and then when they travel to Australia, they're expecting the same experience," Loeffler says.

For example, 53 per cent of those Chinese consumers travelling to Australia are already booking their holiday on a smartphone app.

Loeffler says the appetite for innovative payment solutions is driven by the younger generation with IDC's research indicating the main demographic are those aged from 25 to 34. Part of the reason for this appetite is driven by social media where younger generations are melding their social, mobile and commercial interactions together especially through higher smartphone penetration in China and India.

The only real issue he sees with this convergence is the security consciousness of the younger generation is not high. 

"They share their passwords, and put everything onto their Facebook pages and I think the security awareness of those driving the innovation is decreasing. We did quite a big study for payment behaviours across all of Asia/Pacific, and the age groups between 18 and 25 was the one sharing passwords.

"Interestingly, we found that it's not so much a lack of awareness of security but just their idea of normal behaviour across all of their lives. It's how they're acting on a day-to-day basis."

To see more on the future of smart payments technologies, please read this report from the CBA