Alan Finkel urges energy rethink as industry threatens to leave

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull durng a tense COAG press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Friday.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull durng a tense COAG press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Friday. Andrew Meares

Chief executives warn that political failure to resolve Australia's looming crisis of rising energy costs and increasing blackout risks could force industry offshore as chief scientist Alan Finkel urged the Turnbull government to rethink its opposition to a market mechanism for reducing carbon emissions.

Alberto Calderon, chief executive of global explosives maker Orica, raised concerns about the impact of increasing energy prices on the company's energy-intensive ammonium nitrate (AN) production.

"We also have choices about where we manufacture our AN, given our global footprint, so any significant increase in input costs could impact our ability to manufacture cost effectively in Australia," he warned.

But an increasingly isolated Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has dug in his heels over a proposed emissions intensity scheme for the electricity sector, deriding it as an emissions trading scheme in disguise that would inevitably increase power prices.

He also disputed expert advice to the government by Dr Finkel and other key energy advisers that an emissions intensity scheme would have the least impact on the economy and power prices, and would guarantee security of supply as the nation transitions towards gas and renewable energy and meets its 2030 emissions reductions targets.

"There are other studies and other models that come to different conclusions," Mr Turnbull said after the issue featured during a heated Council of Australian Governments meeting in Canberra on Friday.

Finkel's plea: 'Read our report'

Asked if he believed the government had been premature in ruling out an EIS, Dr Finkel told AFR Weekend: "I only have one hope and that is people in policy-making positions and active in the sector read our report."

Dr Finkel was speaking after he briefed the meeting of the Prime Minister and Premiers on his discussion paper, which says the government's current policy settings do not guarantee it will meet its 2030 target of reducing emissions by 26 per cent-to-28 per cent on 2005 levels.

He said every stakeholder he has consulted as part of his energy review, be they in business, energy or consumer groups, appreciated the need to meet the 2030 targets "and they are looking for a stable, predictable, nationally coordinated approach".

They wanted it dealt with in the "most effective way possible", he said.

The most effective mechanism, as identified by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) and the Australia Energy Market Operator (AEMO), was the EIS.

SA Premier Jay Weatherill turned on Mr Turnbull after the COAG meeting, saying he was guilty of the same "infantile slogans" which he once accused Tony Abbott of preferring ahead of "mature, evidence-based" explanations for voters.

Energy policy worrying business

Many of the 38 chief executives surveyed in the annual Chanticleer CEO outlook poll singled out political bickering over energy policy as their top concern.

Many chief executives pointed to the state-based approach as the root cause of the problem. Origin Energy chief Frank Calabria said Australia needed a coherent and nationally consistent energy policy.

"State-based (renewable energy) targets have the potential to increase uncertainty and stifle investment right at the exact time we need to be laying out a national plan to progressively retire coal and replace it with renewables and gas," Mr Calabria said.

"The South Australian experience shows us that you cannot introduce renewables into the system without at the same time shoring up reliability, or prices are affected."

Santos chief Kevin Gallagher said energy policy reform should be at the top of the government's list of priorities, warning the issues in SA highlighted the fragility of the current market. He said natural gas also had a critical role to play in the future energy mix. "We need a stable policy environment that supports the development of lower cost gas, including lower cost transportation to support domestic markets."

The bosses of the country's two biggest miners, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, also said businesses needed access to an uninterrupted supply of power at an affordable price. Rio's chief Jean-Sebastien Jacques said the transition to lower emission generation needed to be managed carefully to make sure there was no impact on industry competitiveness.

Call for certainty and consistency

Mick McCormack, the chief executive of infrastructure giant APA Group, also singled out state-based energy policies as the main problem and said he supported a national approach to energy and renewables policy. "Uncertainty of any sort, and regulatory risks in particular, are not good for business or investment. There is no doubt that everyone is keen to see more streamlined and consistent policy decision making coming out of Canberra," he said.

Ryan Stokes, the chief executive of Seven Group Holdings, was also critical of a state-based approach and said the east coast gas market was starting to present challenges for users."We hope for sensibility with government energy policies that don't create issues for business and consumers through chasing principals, this risk is particularly evident at a state level."

Wesfarmers chief executive Richard Goyder said Australia had to be careful it did not lose a comparative advantage it should have in terms of low energy costs while Fairfax Media boss Greg Hywood said certainty of supply was critical for all businesses with manufacturing infrastructure.

The big bank bosses also said a reliable power solution was vital for business and said they supported investment in renewables, which they were helping to finance. "The transformation of Australia's energy sector over the coming decades is a complex issue, which presents a range of challenges and that a balanced approach is important to support a responsible transition across the economy," Westpac chief Brian Hartzer said.

Mike Kane from Boral said: "For a nation that is a world leader in coal production it is unfortunate that we don't first focus our attention on clean coal burning innovation rather than assuming that domestic power generation is somehow going to be met with renewables."

Labor leader Bill Shorten said it was "absolutely appalling" that " Malcolm Turnbull is more interested in appeasing the right wing zealots of his own party, the people to whom his job is hostage rather than taking real action on climate change".