GDP looks to have fallen for only fourth time since 1991, say economists

Net exports are likely to have cut 0.2 percentage points from GDP in the quarter.
Net exports are likely to have cut 0.2 percentage points from GDP in the quarter. Rob Homer

The economy looks increasingly like it shrank last quarter for only the fourth time since 1991, say economists following a collapse in government investment data and weaker trade sector figures.

Analysts scrambled on Tuesday to downgrade their forecasts for Wednesday's national accounts, with several of the biggest banks and investment houses now saying gross domestic product either shrank from the June quarter or was unchanged.

A survey by Bloomberg News showed the median forecast is for a 0.1 per cent fall in GDP.

Before the weak government spending figures issued by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, which showed underlying public investment fell 2.6 per cent in the quarter, economists had anticipated relatively modest growth of around 0.3 per cent.

Annual GDP growth is expected to have slowed to 2.2 per cent last quarter, according to revised forecasts. In the June quarter the economy expanded by 3.3 per cent.

A potential collapse in GDP growth last quarter could challenge the Reserve Bank of Australia's view of the economy, which it expected to have grown by 0.7 per cent, but is unlikely to see it adjust interest rates to offset the weakness.

"In our view this is not the start of a new, materially weaker trend, and there are reasons to expect recovery in the fourth quarter," said Tom Kennedy, an economist at JP Morgan, who pointed to likely increases in residential building work and public infrastructure spending.

Darker outlook

"Still, this slowdown is not happening in isolation, as the business surveys have been fading and other activity data have generally been sluggish over the last couple of months."

The darker outlook for the September quarter accounts – which would increase the challenge for Treasurer Scott Morrison's mid-year budget update due on December 19 – comes despite a surge in commodity prices during the quarter.

The ABS reported that the surge in commodity prices helped unexpectedly narrow the current account deficit to $11.4 billion from a revised $15.9 billion in the June quarter.

However, the data showed that most of the improvement was caused by a jump in prices, rather than any recovery in actual volumes of shipments of iron ore and coal, which actually fell slightly in the quarter.

As a result, net exports are likely to have cut 0.2 percentage points from GDP in the quarter.

"The weak start for Australian financial year growth in 2016-17 underscores that this terms of trade surge isn't yet coming with much revenue upside for the federal government," said Adam Boyton, an economist at Deutsche Bank. "Fiscal positions remain under pressure.

Likely weakness

"The likely weakness in real GDP will no doubt increase calls for 'the government' to 'do something' to 'take the weight off monetary policy'.

"Such calls miss the fact that public-sector spending (public final demand) looks set to make a reasonable contribution to growth over the year.

"Indeed, of the 2.25 per cent annual growth we expect to see in real GDP, almost half of that is coming from public final demand."

GDP has fallen only three times since the last official recession of 1991. Mostly recently, in the first quarter of 2011, the economy contracted 0.2 per cent after floods in Queensland shut down export shipments.

Before that, the biggest and next fall was at the height of the global financial crisis in the fourth quarter of 2008, when it shrank 0.7 per cent. The only other contraction since the last recession – which is sometimes defined as two consecutive quarters of falling GDP – was after the introduction of the goods and services tax in 2000. At that time, GDP fell 0.3 per cent.

Most analysts expect GDP to rebound in the fourth quarter of this year, and in coming quarters.