Australia's lack of reform shown up as NZ hits record labour market level

John Key will quit as New Zealand Prime Minister after eight stable years in the job.
John Key will quit as New Zealand Prime Minister after eight stable years in the job. Getty Images

The inability of Australia's political class to prioritise serious economic reform could now be hurting employment.

Just as the New Zealand Treasury announced its surplus on Thursday was going to be bigger than expected, the Kiwi workforce participation rate also hit a record 70 per cent, almost 6 percentage points higher than Australia. If Australia had the same rate, there would be an extra 1.1 million people in the jobs market.

New Zealand's lower marginal tax rates, more liberal labour laws, strong inward migration and growing economy means more New Zealanders are in the market for jobs.

"NZ's labor force participation rate is now 70 per cent, if we had Australia's participation rate our unemployment rate would be zero, and if they had ours their unemployment rate would be 13 per cent," ANZ New Zealand's chief economist Cameron Bagrie told AFR Weekend.

"The fact that you've got that sort of divergence is telling a very strong story in regard to divergent policy, particularly in the micro economic arena," Bagrie said.

"I think, philosophically, the NZ tax system has a broad base, low rate and they have a sense of fairness that is a bit different to ours, which is everyone should pay a bit," said partner at the KPMG Tax Centre, Grant Wardell-Johnson.

In contrast, an inefficient GST and extraordinarily high tax free threshold has compelled Australia to keep a high marginal tax rate. With the addition of an over-regulated industrial relations regime, job opportunities are now severely crimped compared to across the Tasman.

"In theory anybody who is working part time, earning less than $20,000 would be attracted by Australia, whereas just about everybody else earning over $20,000 would be turned on by New Zealand," professor of Economic and Melbourne University, John Freebairn told AFR Weekend.

"I think the best thing about the New Zealand system is there is no tax-free threshold. What that means is that you have relatively low marginal rates from the first dollar and you don't need to compensate on the marginal dollar," said Robin Oliver, former deputy head of New Zealand's Inland Revenue department and widely regarded as New Zealand's foremost tax expert.

"The lack of a tax-free threshold is one of the main reasons why NZ has a 33 per cent top rate and Australia has 50 per cent, and I prefer our system."

"The real problem is anyone who is earning less than $20,000 will basically tell us 'we're losing out' and Bill Shorten can make an absolute picnic of that. As an economist you'd like to get rid of it but that group would be losing," Freebairn said.

When NZ dropped personal incomes taxes in 2010, it also increased the rate of GST from 12.5 per cent to 15 per cent. NZ's GST applies to everything and the Grattan Institute's John Daley agrees that, provided low-income people are compensated through tax cuts and the welfare system, that's what Australia needs.

"The first best economic answer is to broaden the base, but the only politically possible answer may be to only increase the rate," Daley said. "We've been hoping the government would float back to surplus."

"We need to cut expenditure by 10 per cent or increase taxes by 10 per cent or some combination of both and you can't do that by saying that some things are off-limits," Daley said.

"The tax mix switch was the Key government's greatest economic achievement as it boosted NZ competitiveness. NZ today is 13th of the World Economic Forum's Competitiveness Index and Australia is 22nd and going backwards. He made it happen because he focused on problem solving, not ideology," Andrew Bragg, head of Policy at Menzies Research Centre said.

"I had a medical bill yesterday and there's GST on top of it, you pay GST on your water. It has to be 100 per cent. Everybody's got a good argument for books or anything else to be zero," Oliver said.

In 2010, New Zealand reduced its personal income tax rates to 10.5 per cent on income up to $NZ14,000, 17.5 per cent on income between $NZ14000-$NZ48,000, 30 per cent on income between $NZ48,000 and $NZ70,000 and $NZ33 per cent. Comparatively, Australians pay no tax on the first $18,300 of income and then hit stiff marginal tax rates of 19 cent for each dollar over the threshold, 32.5 cents for each dollar over $37,000 and, 37 cents for each dollar over $87,000 and 49 cents for each dollar over $180,000.