
Plan inventory management and marketing campaigns

Learn how weather forecasts will help you construct more accurate Sales Models that result in better Inventory Management and winning Marketing Campaigns.

Store traffic fluctuates along with what the ‘sky’ is doing. The purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables fluctuate with the change in temperature. Apparel either walks off the shelves during sales or remains on shelf depending on how efficiently they are synchronised with seasonal change. Heaters and cooling equipment can prompt a rush of sales if they’re available at just the right time.

Accuracy leads to better sales results

Opticast service forecasts local temperatures, which can lead to predictions of fresh food sales. Sales need not fall short of projections or stock on shelf anymore.

Making decisions is so much easier

Whether you’re planning a marketing campaign, a markdown on stock or in-store promotion, outcomes are more likely to occur based on more informed decisions.

Rostering is a breeze

Our industry-leading 14 Day Forecast will assist with rostering, inventory control and shipping logistics.

Risk can be managed effectively

Long Range Forecasts allow Retail buyers to manage risk and stock levels on weather-sensitive product lines.

Intuitive, customised and reliable

All-in-one Dashboard

Weatherzone services are delivered through its flagship web based interfaces, accessible by any staff, anytime, anywhere. Designed for your business, the interface provides you with the complete weather and environmental picture and critical business decision making tools, allowing you to make the right decision every time.


Customised overlays on Google Maps provide accurate, real-time monitoring.

Expert advice,24/7

Powerful forecast modules are coupled with written notes from our team of professional meteorologists, so you can plan operations with precise and timely forecasts.

Alerting & SMS

Automatic alerts based on site specific variables sent to wherever you are, when you need to make decisions.

Retail Products

Weatherzone provides highly accurate half hourly weather forecasts and industry-leading Long Range Forecasts to assist you in calculating in-store traffic, shopper trends, managing inventory and planning for successful seasonal campaigns.



Weatherzone’s premium forecast product.


Observations, lightning, radar, satellite and your site on a single animating display.


Find out how Weatherzone can empower your decisions



+61-2-9955 1536
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