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Film submissions for MIFF 2017 are now open.




To submit directly to MIFF, create an account or log in to complete the submissions process.

Please carefully read our Submissions Regulations and Frequently Asked Questions for information on film submissions for 2017.


You can also submit via the Without A Box entry system. Click below to create a Without A Box account and submit your film. 


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Feedback from festival filmmaker guests who were part of MIFF 2016 

It was fantastic to represent Baobab Studios as a part of MIFF 2016.  I've been to a number of high profile festivals this year and everyone is trying to showcase VR. Programming VR content is no small feat and MIFF did an amazing job. – Eric Darnell, Director Invasion!


Thanks so much for selecting Killing Ground for MIFF! I loved being a part of the Night Shift program - it was the perfect place to launch our film into the world. I had a great festival. Fantastic screenings (love that midnight crowd), got some good reviews, met some wonderful filmmakers, saw some cool movies – can’t ask for more than that. Hope to do it all again someday! - Damian Power, Director Killing Ground


To the mighty MIFF team,

On behalf of Matt, Brian and I we just wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you for your wonderful welcoming, technical support, dinners, drinks, events, films, enthusiasm, marketing assistance, travel help, the amazing accommodation, and most importantly the passion for our film and the care to screen it. We had an amazing time at your festival and are already counting the days until our next visit to Melbourne and working hard to make a film you’ll think is good enough to select for a MIFF in the future. – MJ McMahon, Producer, The Man From Mo’Wax


Thank you very much for the amazing experience I had at MIFF this year. Seeing the reactions from the audiences in the space, was quite enlightening and I think the setup was a really wise choice and it served as a sort of masterclass in of itself. – Michael Beets, Director Jafri


Firstly thank you both so much for inviting us to screen Suzy & the Simple Man at the Festival. We had 2 really wonderful sold out screenings, and great responses from the audiences to both the film and the Q&A sessions after the screenings. We were made to feel very welcome and loved and supported during the Festival by the MIFF team, and we all send our sincerest thanks! – Ian Darling, Director Suzy & the Simple Man


I just wanted to thank you all for the hospitality and for the wonderful time! We had a BLAST and have many awesome memories to keep : ). – Fran Strine, Director/producer Hired Gun