
  1. I interviewed you last year for when u won the Walkley. Wanted to ask a few qns, can I email? Mine is shown..

  2. Laptop illuminates. Knuckles crack. Editor grunts. Coffee machine squeels. Greetings 2014.

  3. This Jew watched Silver Linings Playbook alone, at midnight, on Christmas Eve. It's a struggle to comprehend the fuss over that movie.

  4. Hey - I'm a diehard fan & wanting to interview you for The Australian Jewish News. What's the best way to contact you?

  5. If you were going to cut funding to a gov program, surely the NDIS, with its bipartisan support & Prod Comm backing would be off the table.

  6. Blue Jasmine, here we come... Something about Woody Allen's films that makes u want to watch them alone. It's the supreme treat to the self

  7. Top Waleed Aly piece: death of car industry started 30 years when Hawke opened Oz up to global free market

  8. High Court overturns ACT marriage laws. Good one, Scabbott. What a shitful, embarrassing day.

  9. There is something so brilliantly theatrical about the reported Rebekah Brooks-Piers Morgan exchange. Perhaps it's just the British accent

  10. report on human rights violations on Manus Island. Needs: soap, drinking water, mental stimulation shoes

  11. "Israel has no greater friend than you" - Naftali Bennett says the Australia Israel Chamber of Commerce lunch now. Oz trumps the US it seems

  12. Interviewing Israel's minister of economy and commerce Naftali Bennett shortly - do you have a question?


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