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Leave a Bequest

Upcoming Wills Days

The Salvation Army regularly hosts Community Wills Days to help write or update a current will with assistance from a volunteer solicitor.

For all appointments and enquiries, please call 1800 337 082.

Upcoming Wills Days:

South Australia

  • Tuesday, 7th March - Seacombe Gardens - Marion Salvation Army Centre from 1 - 4PM
  • Thursday, 11th May - Fullarton - Salvation Army Divisional Headquarters from 1 - 4PM 
  • Wednesday, 13th September - Elizabeth East - Playford Salvation Army Centre from 1 - 4PM
  • Wednesday, 18th October - Augusta - Salvation Army CentreShop from 11 - 2PM

*For more information or to make a booking to attend one of these Wills Day Events in South Australia, please call Jodie on 1800 337 082. 

‘Live on’ is the message from Include a Charity. The Salvos are joining more than 100 Australian charities to encourage people to consider ‘including a charity’ when preparing or updating their next Will. 

The ‘live on’ message emphasises the opportunity for people to create lasting change for disadvantaged and marginalised Australians for generations to come by leaving a gift in their Will.

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