
Peter Munro

Peter Munro is a journalist for the Sydney Morning Herald.

Author Kathy Lette with Ron Mueck's sculpture <i>Wild Man</i> at the Art Gallery of NSW.

Kathy Lette reveals how to feel good nude and other bare truths

Standing in the shadow of the gigantic naked man is author Kathy Lette, whose head reaches only so high as his awkwardly hairy navel. He bears the pained look of a person who would rather be anywhere but here, perched nude on a stool in a well-lit room at the Art Gallery of NSW. She looks positively delighted to see him.

Sydney goth Wallemina Von Dutchland likes being looked at when she goes shopping in the suburbs.

Why this chaotic world needs goths now more than ever

Subcultures – grunge, psychobilly, bodgies, seapunk, afrofuturism – rise and fall. But goths (the subculture not the ancient Germanic tribes) have been putting on pale face and dark eyeliner for almost 40 years.