
Bad Santa and Banqer – teaching school kids about money

I recently delivered a financial literacy presentation to the year 8 and 9 students at a Melbourne girls' school. I was blown away by the volume and quality of their questions highlighting the students' genuine enthusiasm and interest in developing their financially empowered futures. 

There is little doubt that fostering financial literacy in young people leads to more confident decision making in adulthood, which in turn leads to lower stress and better outcomes. This is particularly pertinent today as the financial world continues to evolve and innovate, making for a sometimes increasingly complex landscape to navigate. Understanding options and the power of informed choice emerged as a key theme in building greater confidence and results.

The workshop was also a clear demonstration that incentive drives behaviour as I offered two sets of very cool, recently released, wireless Heddys​ headphones as a prize for the best question, and the questions just kept coming.

The most engaging aspect was playing a trading game. Every student was given an "asset" of equal value, for example shares in Blackmores or Facebook or a commercial property in Queensland. They were asked to research the asset to determine what they liked or disliked about it and rated their satisfaction with the asset out of 10. We then measured the average satisfaction across the room. The students were then given the opportunity to trade their assets with their peers for something they liked better. They then reflected on their post-trade satisfaction and when the average scores were re-measured, there was a big jump across the room.

Not only was the exercise a fantastic demonstration of the accessibility of information about most mainstream assets, but also the power of trade and choice. One of the sought-after headphones went to the student who observed that where you have the ability to trade freely, the outcome is not binary, with a winner and loser, but in fact everyone benefits by getting what they want.

There is a terrific program in New Zealand, which is showcasing these concepts online with primary school kids across the course of the school year. It gives teachers the opportunity to create a classroom economy, with good behaviour and classroom duties being rewarded with Banqer dollars, which can be used to purchase investment properties, savings and other investments. Kids can trade jobs, services and investments to exercise control over their financial world. Teachers can also influence the classroom economy triggering earthquakes or sudden interest rate rises to test out the benefits of insurance and demonstrate the power of savings relative to debt. As the program is fully sponsored, it's free to students and it's expected to be available for Australian primary schools early in the new year.


These games are not only for kids and you can road test the benefits of trade at your Christmas breakup party with Bad Santa, a great iteration of the traditional office Kris Kringle. Each participant contributes a gift and then draws a number out of a hat. In order of selected number, each participant gets a turn at choosing from the pile of gifts and either keeping what they have or compulsorily acquiring from someone who preceded them. It's not quite "trade" but generally more people end up with what they want and have more fun than the normal year end gift exchange.

We live in an increasingly complex financial world and stress about money is common. Learning how financial systems work, in engaging ways, at an early age maximises your chances of living a low-stress financial life. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to finances. Where you have access to quality information, understand the available options and have the freedom to choose what is right for you, satisfaction materially increases.  

A good adviser can help facilitate access to the right information and guide you through the decision-making process. They might also be able to help steer you through the fog of political rhetoric about the economy and trade that dominate the headlines, to what is really important in your life. Financially confident parents are naturally key influencers and a good adviser might also give you the confidence to role model positive money behaviours so that kids are not only learning about smart financial strategies at school, but also experiencing them first-hand at home.

Catherine Robson is a financial planner with Affinity Private. Twitter: @CatherineAtAff.
