WeatherzoneGeverifieerd account


Weatherzone is the most popular commercial weather website in Australia.

Geregistreerd in maart 2010

@weatherzone is geblokkeerd

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  1. Two tropical lows are threatening to develop into cyclones before Christmas. Which will be ?

  2. The chance of Australia seeing a tropical cyclone during the lead-up to Christmas is increasing by the day:

  3. What are the chances of a Christmas cyclone this year? Here's what you need to know: Image:

  4. Our meteorologists are working hard to help you make plans for Christmas Day:

  5. Rain and thunderstorms threaten to cause flooding over parts of SA, NSW and Qld during the next 24 hours.

  6. on target to stay warmer than 27 degrees for 33 hrs. Previous record was 30 hrs in Feb 2011

  7. It's a week of two halves for NSW, with record-breaking heat about to give way to widespread rain and storms:

  8. Fire danger already Severe in parts of , , peaking in arvo ahead of cool change

  9. > 27C all night - warmest night in 6yrs, 2nd warmest on record & a new December record

  10. Warmest night in 10yrs (26C), 7yrs (22C), 6yrs (27C) (22C)

  11. Storms brought welcome rain to parched parts of Western Australia during the last 24 hours:

  12. has already hit 36 degrees in the city and it's not even midday. Currently the hottest day in 11 months.

  13. Today's hot and windy weather has prompted total fire bans across parts of three states:

  14. Australia's National Electricity Market is on track to experience its most widespread heat in 23 years tomorrow:

  15. on target for hottest spell for this time of year in a decade - heating to mid 30s Tue & Wed

  16. There were about 2,500 lightning strikes over Sydney's northern suburbs between 9pm and 10pm last night Image:

  17. It doesn't get much better than this after nine days above 40 degrees in Mt Isa. Pic: jemlocoimages l Instagram

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