
The biggest stories of 2016 – our top writers give their verdict

It's easy to forget how much has happened in 2016.

If the shock of the Brexit bombshell – which led to the downfall of a prime minister – wasn't enough, the extraordinary US election campaign has left jaws permanently dropped across the planet. And in between Australia had its own marathon poll, where Malcolm Turnbull returned a diminished leader with a diminished majority, Labor returned replenished and Pauline Hanson re-emerged with a vengeance.

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2016: Year in review

The year that saw underdog triumphs, power shifts, and the unimaginable come to pass.

This will also become known as the year of the expose with Unaoil, the Panama Papers and the Comminsure scandal. And political reality caught up with Daniel Andrews, who lost ministers and political skin. There was no bigger sporting event than the Rio Games, but not far behind was the "Hollywood could not have scripted it better" victory by the Western Bulldogs.

Here, The Age's senior writers share their take on the year that was for the Age live subscriber event – 2016 a year in review.

Nick McKenzie and Richard Baker – From the bribery scandal of Unaoil to a groundbreaking podcast into a mysterious death.

2016 was all about covering new ground for us even though the year started out on familiar territory – another foreign bribery scandal.

But the Unaoil series was a far bigger foreign bribery scandal than those we have uncovered in the past such as the Reserve Bank, Leighton's and Tenix. Size and scale wasn't the only point of difference. In a sign of the times and modern journalism, a massive data dump was at the heart of Unaoil.


As Nick can explain, the data dump only came after meeting and winning the trust of a human source in the most mysterious and interesting way. The first three months of the year were spent using our homespun computer system to mine some 300,000 Unaoil electronic documents and then collate our findings in a searchable and orderly fashion.

Unaoil's Saman, Cyrus and Ata Ahsani.

Unaoil's Saman, Cyrus and Ata Ahsani. Photo: Supplied

After numerous long days and nights, not to mention marathon sessions with nervous lawyers, we published the first of 20-something stories unveiling a sophisticated web of bribery and money laundering involving politicians, officials, oil and gas executives, shady middlemen and, of course, the sun-kissed and uber rich Ashani family in Monaco who control Unaoil.

The story is still reverberating thanks to the work of a multinational police taskforce that was set up as a result of our stories.

We took a different track mid-year and decided to do Fairfax Media's first serious multi-episode investigative podcast on the 2010 garbage chute death of young Melbourne woman Phoebe Handsjuk. Phoebe's Fall challenged the power of the judiciary and police in Victoria and will end up in laws being changed.

Putting a podcast together was another learning experience in so many ways and we look forward to sharing them with you as we close in on 1 million downloads. The emotional response it triggered from listeners has been staggering. The year is ending with a focus on some of Australia's forgotten people – the underpaid and overexploited migrant workers who pick the fruit we buy from the supermarket giants. This story came about through one of our first undercover stings.

Martin Flanagan – 2016, in the words of Bob Dylan, "there's a battle outside and it's raging".

The most significant political events in Australia in 2016 occurred outside Australia. With Brexit, the US presidential election and the upsurge in Far Right groups around the globe, politics took the sort of decisive turn that marks the end of one era and the beginning of the next. The similarities between the coming era and the 1930s include the attacks on the so-called liberal media as liars and traitors.

Last week, CNN's chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour said journalism was facing "an existential threat". It is, but in that also lies the opportunity for media outlets such as The Age and Fairfax Media to sharply define themselves and their importance both locally and nationally.

President-elect Donald Trump.

President-elect Donald Trump. Photo: AP

During the final weeks of the US presidential elections, more fake news stories received hits on Facebook than stories from mainstream media outlets, the most successful story being one asserting that the Pope had endorsed Donald Trump. For journalists, in the words of Bob Dylan, "there's a battle outside and it's raging".

At the same time as the old historical patterns were being torn apart in politics, the same was happening in sport but to much happier effect. Around the globe, there were a series of upset victories in which teams given little or no chance triumphed in major tournaments against the odds. One of these was the Western Bulldogs' grand final triumph, which was as close to sporting magic as you get.


Tony Wright – the fracturing of politics as we know it

If we had imagined politics both in Australia and worldwide might return to some level of stability, the past year has shaken us free of such fantasy.

The Australian election brought it home. The old verities no longer apply. Cast our eyes across borders and you find upheaval just about everywhere: Brexit in Britain, Trump in the US, the travails of French President Francois Hollande, the swift end of leaders in South Korea and India through scandal and mistrust, rising nationalism across eastern Europe.

Back home, Malcolm Turnbull a year ago was seen as a shoo-in. Tony Abbott had gone. He was considered by most commentators as a sort of aberration. Labor, after the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd years, should not have got within cooee of government for at least six years under traditional understanding.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during the election campaign

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during the election campaign Photo: Andrew Meares

And yet Turnbull and his colleagues came within a whisker of losing government. Because it was a double dissolution election, it is possible to look to the Senate and begin to understand what is driving voters. An unprecedented number of them, pretty clearly, harbour disdain for the established parties. An astonishing 45 per cent of eligible voters did not cast their formal primary vote in the Senate for the Coalition parties or for Labor. When you subtracted all those who couldn't or didn't wish to make a formal vote, 35 per cent of all first-preference votes – more than one in three – went to independents or minor parties.

In other words, the two-party system has fractured altogether.

As traditional media companies like ours know, attention spans have become extremely short in a terrifyingly short period. In an internet and social media world, loyalty is fleeting. Choice is everything. Truth is no longer necessarily a verifiable fact: it can be a matter of belief, and belief can come from totally fraudulent offerings washing across the web. This, of course, goes only a small part of the way to explaining why the contract between voters and the established political parties has broken.

Josh Gordon – second chances are no longer guaranteed in Australian politics

When state Liberal MP Louise Stately rose at last month's Liberal State Council to introduce Matthew Guy, she claimed the Opposition Leader had bagged no less than three ministerial scalps in two years.

Labor's first two years had indeed been scrappy. But the suggestion that Guy should take the credit was surely gilding the lily.

The cock-ups were almost entirely of Labor's own making. First, Adem Somyurek was forced to stand down as industry minister after being accused of mistreating a staff member. An accusation he denies.

Daniel Andrews and Jane Garrett

Daniel Andrews and Jane Garrett

Then Jane Garrett explosively resigned as emergency services minister after refusing to support a controversial industrial deal brokered by Premier Daniel Andrews and the firefighters' union. And finally, Steve Herbert was hounded out by revelations he used his ministerial car to ferry his two dogs between his city and country homes.

Despite all of this (and more) Labor continues to track reasonably well in the polls, with a two party preferred lead over the Coalition of about 52 to 48 per cent. Malcolm Turnbull would kill to be in this position.

The Coalition has failed to fully capitalise on Labor's woes. But more importantly, it is hard to accuse the Andrews government of failing to deliver from a policy point of view.

It has a busy agenda that includes an ambitious level-crossing removal program, the $10.9 billion Metro Rail Project and the Western Distributor Road project, among other things.

After a particularly messy period in Australian politics, voters seem willing to overlook Labor's failings – but only for now.

The next two years will be critical. Labor must spend the next two years delivering results, and it can ill-afford further scandals. As the Coalition found out last term, second chances are no longer guaranteed in Australian politics.

Andrew Meares: How a sleeping Senator woke up the Senate and ended censorship

Of all the photos I have taken in 2016, an image of a sleeping senator was the most significant.

Unlike the House of Representatives, where photographers can freely report proceedings, the Senate only allowed photos of the senator "with the call" – that is statue-like, on their feet and speaking. This form of parliamentary privilege meant no voting or seated senators could be seen on the public record.

Public accountability requires public scrutiny. The good, the bad and the ugly. The chilling effect of censorship meant the Senate went under-reported.

Senator Derryn Hinch is nudged by Kvin Hogan during the opening of the 45th Parliament at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday 30 August 2016. Fedpol Photo: Andrew Meares

Senator Derryn Hinch is nudged by Kevin Hogan during the opening of Parliament. Photo: Andrew Meares

In a recent meeting with media executives, President-elect Donald Trump complained about the unflattering photos they chose to publish. He will soon be sworn in to "preserve, protect and defend the constitution" but perhaps he intends to use his powers to preserve his image, protect his double chin and defend how he is photographed.

Our Senate held a similar view of press regulation giving senators the power to control how they were photographed and therefore perceived by those who elect them. The Age has been fighting that censorship for 25 years and was on the verge of a High Court challenge.

During the ceremonial opening of Parliament, Senator Derryn Hinch nodded off – the one day of the parliamentary term senators can be seen without the call. He used his embarrassment to campaign to allow such a photo to be taken at any time.

A wide awake Senator Hinch successfully repealed Procedural Order With Continuing Effect No.26 in November, and I will now have to keep a close eye on the Senate – and on Donald Trump's double chin.
