
Huge variations found in what food manufacturers say is a serving size: research

Food manufacturers are declaring vastly different "serving sizes" for the same product and confusing consumers, with Cadbury's Cherry Ripe and Coca-Cola among the worst offenders, a study shows.

Researchers at George Institute for Global Health and National Heart Foundation analysed 4466 food and beverage products at Coles, Woolworths, IGA and Aldi, and found more than half exceeded the Australian Dietary Guidelines' standard serve of 600kJ of energy.

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Seven out of 15 categories, including 'cakes and muffins', 'protein and diet bars', and 'processed meat', had more than half of their products exceed the standard serve.

They found huge variations within product categories. For example, the median serving size for drinks was 250ml, but it could range from 100ml to 750ml.

What surprised them most was the big variation for a single product, namely Cadbury's Cherry Ripe chocolate bar and Coca-Cola soft drink.

A big pack of Cherry Ripe declares a serving size of 18g, whereas the bar says 52g - triple the size. And a two-litre bottle of Coca-Cola declares a serving size of 250ml, while the 375ml can, understandably, shows 375ml.


In Australia, food manufacturers must display a serving size on nutrition labels, and it's up to them to determine the amount.

Jason Wu, one of the authors, said he wasn't calling for a set definition of 600kJ, but serving sizes did need to be standardised.

"We could think of upper limits for different types of discretionary foods, not necessarily by 600kJ, given that a big part of public health intervention is about encouraging people to eat less of the discretionary food products," he said.

He said the inconsistency was causing confusion and likely contributing to Australia's obesity epidemic. At present, nearly two in three Australian adults are overweight or obese, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

He said the problem allowed junk food, depending on the serving size, to achieve a "healthier" nutrient profile and therefore, for example, earn a place in school canteens that use the traffic light scheme.

"If you look at potato chips, one might say the serving size is 50g and another says 200g. One might be classified as a red product and not sold at schools, whereas another one would be amber," he said. "There are adverse impacts."

Food makers state their case

A spokesperson from Mondelēz International, which owns Cadbury, said the serving size reflected how it expects the product to be consumed in one eating occasion.

"With our Cherry Ripe 52g, the serving size in the nutrition information panel clearly indicates the serving size as 52g, one bar," she said.

"For multi-serve products with recognisable portion units (eg in a share bag), serving sizes should be communicated with references to these units, for example, serving size 15g, one bar."

Coca-Cola directed Fairfax Media's inquiry to the peak body Australian Beverages Council, which said as a supermarket category, beverages were unique in having industry-agreed serve sizes.

"For example, the industry has recognised that drinks in packs of up to 600ml are consumed in one serve, and so all packs up to that amount will display energy using a serving size equal to the pack size," a spokesman said.

"In packages of greater than 600ml, consumers would normally either share or drink in more than one sitting, so an industry standard of 250ml was adopted, equal to a standard cup."

The Healthy Food Partnership

An Australian Food and Grocery Council spokesman said its members followed Food Standards Australia New Zealand's advice.

"Researchers have addressed this issue before but have not been able to suggest on what basis food serving sizes should be standardised, for example, by weight, by volume, by energy, by piece," he said.

"However we are working with the government's Healthy Food Partnership which is looking at the issue of how much consumers eat and the factors which influence it."

Adjunct Professor John Kelly, chief executive of the Heart Foundation said there was an urgent need to tackle serving sizes and called for the government to ensure the Partnership was well-resourced.

"[In regards to Cherry Ripe] realistically someone may choose to eat a larger amount of the product listing 12 serves each of 18g, if they have used the 'per serving' column on label to make their decision," he said.

"[This is] because the 'serving' looks to be lower in kilojoules, fat and sugar, not realising the amount they eat is not the '18g' listed. Unfortunately, the label is only telling them 1/12th of the story."

The research, funded by the National Heart Foundation, was published in the British Journal of Nutrition.

This week, Coca Cola took out two of the Parents' Voice's "fame and shame" awards, winning the Pester Power and Foul Sport categories.

"Parents are concerned that Coca-Cola is continuing to develop marketing techniques that target children," said Alice Pryor from Parents' Voice.

What is a serve of discretionary foods?

One 'serve' of a discretionary food, is the amount that contains 600kJ.

What are some examples?

2 scoops (75g) of ice cream

2 slices (50-60g) of processed meats, salami, mettwurst

30g salty crackers

2-3 sweet biscuits

1 (40 g) doughnut

1 slice (40 g) plain cake

5-6 (40g) small lollies

1/2 small bar (25 g) chocolate

(source: National Health and Medical Research Council)
