

Circus 1903 great entertainment

The elephants in Circus 1903 – The Golden Age of Circus.

This classy entertainment blends the traditional circus – with jugglers, acrobats, clowns, a ringmaster – with contemporary elements including impressive animal puppetry.

Virginia Woolf avoids a car crash

Striking: Christian Charisiou as the cynical young biologist Nick and lead actor Deborah Galanos as Martha.

We don't have the tradition of the "Alan Smithee" credit in the theatre. If we did, this production of Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? would probably deserve one.

Action!: Music, dance, comedy at the Q

Composer Francesco Sofo gives a preview of Julia: The Musical at the Q's 2017 season launch.

From a new musical about Australia's first female prime minister to a three-person adaptation of Around the World in 80 Days, there's plenty on offer in next year's season at the Q.

Up in smoke

Phoebe Coupe, Grace O'Donnell Clancy, Ben Adams, Ed Deganos and Samantha Bruzzese star in Reefer Madness: The Musical.

Next week the musical satire will hit Melbourne for the first time in a two-week run at Chapel Off Chapel.

Dark tales from Eastern Europe

Famed Russian punk-rock protest group Pussy Riot.

The Belarus Free Theatre joins forces with Pussy Riot's Maria Alyokhina to share stories of persecuted Russian artists in a brutal new work.


Circus 1903 great entertainment

The elephants in Circus 1903 – The Golden Age of Circus.

This classy entertainment blends the traditional circus – with jugglers, acrobats, clowns, a ringmaster – with contemporary elements including impressive animal puppetry.

Virginia Woolf avoids a car crash

Striking: Christian Charisiou as the cynical young biologist Nick and lead actor Deborah Galanos as Martha.

We don't have the tradition of the "Alan Smithee" credit in the theatre. If we did, this production of Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? would probably deserve one.

Action!: Music, dance, comedy at the Q

Composer Francesco Sofo gives a preview of Julia: The Musical at the Q's 2017 season launch.

From a new musical about Australia's first female prime minister to a three-person adaptation of Around the World in 80 Days, there's plenty on offer in next year's season at the Q.