
Tim Biggs

Tim is the editor of Fairfax's technology sections, as well as a writer and reviewer specialising in video game coverage.

<i>Super Mario Run</i> is launching on the App Store this week.

Will Mario on iPhone take off?

Never before has Nintendo made a Mario game for a piece of hardware it did not build, and never before has Apple put its marketing clout behind a game so thoroughly. But can it be the next big thing?

Donald Trump favours Twitter.

Australian Twitter in 2016: Trump, tragedy and teen heart-throbs

Donald Trump, asylum seekers, local music and #auspol were all chief topics of interest among Australian Twitter users in 2016, although as usual they were joined by a wave of memes and a near-incomprehensible amount of love for YouTube celebs turned rock band 5 Seconds of Summer.

Clockwise from top left: Meeting new water Pokemon Popplio; a powerful Totem version of Alolan Raticate; exploring a ...

A new dawn in Pokemon Sun and Moon

The popular handheld series has shed a lot of the baggage that was making it feel stale after 20 years, while hanging on to everything that's made it so beloved for so long.

Bright and playful, <i>Watch Dogs 2</i> is a hacker's paradise.

Sun, sand and subterfuge in Watch Dogs 2

While the first Watch Dogs was a great core concept hurt by the dreary Chicago setting and insufferably morose main character, the sequel realises its full potential by taking itself much less seriously.


Dishonored 2 review: swords and sneakery

Each moment in this cerebral, dark adventure is a dilemma between sneaking around undetected or hitting your enemies head on and adding to the pestilent body count.