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Isla Fisher and Sacha Baron Cohen confused by AACTAs red carpet sausage demonstration

Mel Gibson, Isla Fisher, Sacha Baron Cohen, Boy George, Paul Hogan and Geoffrey Rush all helped make up the star-studded line-up at the sixth annual AACTA Awards on Wednesday night, but it was demonstrators dressed as sausages who really stole the show.

More than a dozen participants from Women in Film and Television (WIFT) somehow managed to break past the security guards and barriers at The Star in Sydney and make their way onto the red carpet chanting, "end the sausage party", in protest at a lack of female representation at the awards.

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AACTAs 2016: Protesters gatecrash red carpet

A-listers arriving at the 6th annual AACTA Awards in Sydney were met by protesters dressed as sausages to highlight male domination of the film and television industries.

"We're here dressed appropriately for Australia's biggest sausage party," one young woman donned in a brown sausage suit told Fairfax Media.

"We're calling on AACTA to serve up some more transparency in their really poor gender performance."

Trailblazer Award winner Fisher, a vocal advocate for more comedic roles for women in Hollywood, missed the demonstration by minutes but added a different humanitarian message to the mix.

"Too many sausages are eaten without much regard for the animal behind them," she laughed.


While her husband Borat and Ali G star Baron Cohen seemed to have sausage sizzles on his mind.

"What sort of sausage was it?" he asked.

"Were they pork sausages?" Fisher asked, before pointing to her husband of six years: "I enjoy his sausage."

Wentworth's Danielle Cormack was also confused, but by the rebels' choice of dress.

"I thought they were pieces of faeces, sorry. I couldn't hear them," she laughed.

Boy George, who performed at Sydney's version of the Golden Globes, was "sorry" he missed the excitement of the earlier protest, but was thrilled to be back on Australian soil.

"I always like being in Australia. It's a long way for us Brits. It's the perfect place to finish the tour," he said.

Meanwhile, Hacksaw Ridge director Mel Gibson, 60, who attended the show without his pregnant partner Rosalind Ross, 26, said there was no real plans in place for the birth of their first child together - his ninth in total.

"Plans? They are going accordingly," he told Fairfax Media, before interrupting himself to add: "You can't really plan that. It's just going to happen if you want it to or not."

As a first-time mum, he will be showing Ross the ropes: "It is her first time and I have seen it before so I am going to be very good support, very good experienced support."
