
Samuel Johnson shuns campaign to score him a Gold Logie

Some things – well, a lot of things – are more important than a Logie.

Actor Samuel Johnson, who played Molly Meldrum in Seven's biopic Molly, has urged his fans to ignore a campaign aimed at landing him a Gold Logie trophy and instead donate money to his charity, which is looking to raise $10 million for cancer research.

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Samuel Johnson rejects Logies 'hullaballoo'

The actor urges fans to ignore a Facebook campaign launched by his sisters to land him the Gold Logie and instead donate money to his charity.

In what he called an "extended, mild rant" posted on the Love Your Sister Facebook page - the name of the charity he runs with his sister Connie, who is battling breast cancer - the actor blasted the well-meaning Logie campaign, which was concocted by his own sisters.

"I don't want to appear like an ungrateful swine and I want to thank my sisters for loving me to bits and pieces... BUT I had very solid reasons for not mentioning the Logie thing to you guys," the actor wrote.

"A whopping 12,498 villagers have reached for their wallets in the last two weeks (volume that we've never come close to before) to help Connie's Big Heart Project – her world record attempt to assemble the longest line of coins in the shape of a big love heart, this coming Valentine's Day.

"Right in the middle of the hectickest (sic), most successful period Love Your Sister has ever experienced, my two boneheaded sisters decide to shift ALL of that momentum towards TV Week. So that we can win a shiny trophy. Are you starting to see it from my perspective yet?," he wrote.


The 38-year-old – who announced in February he'd be retiring from acting to focus on his fundraising efforts ("I cannot play pretend on telly while our families are falling," he wrote in a Facebook post at the time) – was secretly set up for the campaign while on a fishing trip and out of phone range last week.

"When anyone dares mention the Logies to Sam, he pontificates 'It's not about the trophies' and starts talking about making it less about him and more about Connie," his older sister Hilde wrote, while linking followers to TV Week's nominations page for the event, to be held on April 23 next year.

"Love Your Sister would benefit too greatly were he to win a Logie and it would help us all get to the $10M sooner, which is what every cancer patient needs and what we in this family all strive for. He can sulk all he likes, he can feel betrayed, but he'll know I'm right," she added.

Acknowledging that a Logie win would help the cause, Johnson settled on a compromise, calling on fans to make a donation, and get the Gold Logie to The Project's Carrie Bickmore, who runs the charity Beanies 4 Brain Cancer.

"We're on our way to breaking a world record and raising a mint for cancer research and fulfilling the dreams of a sick mum. That seems most important to me," Johnson wrote.

"But if you're going to insist on helping me out too, let's at least leave this Gold Logie nonsense alone, shall we? We just don't have the numbers and we want Carrie to win that one anyway. If Carrie took out the Gold and I got up for the Silver, then that'd be pretty spesh.

"So if you must, I'll take your vote, but only after you've seriously considered the merits of the two 'actions'," he added.

"One helps cure cancer, the other inflates my already oversized ego. The choice is clear."
