In the Herald: December 9, 1942

In the Herald: December 9, 1942

Cleaned out in Northbridge

"Thieves stripped the home of Mr Samuel Bernard Cohen, in Northbridge, while he and his wife were away. Carpets were taken from the floors and mirrors and clocks from the walls. Other items included wedding presents, silverware, cutlery, a trousseau, a layette, every article of linen, suit lengths, petrol tickets, tapestries, clothing, a camera, sewing machine, a typewriter, cut glass and even groceries."

Airforce at the opera

"Before attending a production of The Magic Flute at New York's Metropolitan Opera House, members of the R.A.A.F. on furlough, presented Australian-born baritone John Brownlee, the badge of the New York Anzac Club. Brownlee was in costume standing amid lavish scenery when he accepted the badge from Pilot-Officer Fred Grace of Brisbane. He said the uniforms and the speech made him homesick."

Giving up golf for the war effort

"Australian golfer Jim Ferrier is taking steps to become an American citizen and says he has no time for golf because he is working nine hours a day, six days a week, in the new Chrysler aero engine factory. 'There is no time for golf in a schedule like that,' he said. Asked about a possible return to Australia, Ferrier replied: 'I regard this as my home now.' He does not believe he is subject to call-up in Australia."