
Comment & Analysis

Education efficiency should start with Grattan compromise

The policy quagmire of school education is crying out for Treasury's guiding hand.

If Treasury wants to start acting more like economists than accountants, a good place to start would be to urge its political masters to seize on the opportunity presented by the school funding "compact" proposed by the Grattan Institute.

Doom and gloom focus switches to GDP

Seekers of dark linings to silver clouds are in the process of switching horses ahead of Wednesday's National Accounts ...

Seekers of dark linings to silver clouds are in the process of switching horses ahead of Wednesday's National Accounts Stakes, jumping off National Income Recession and climbing aboard GDP Dive.

Our AAA rating is a marvellous bogeyman

Treasurer Scott Morrison's delays over a return to surplus has prompted credit ratings agency S&P to put the nation's ...

Both sides of politics try to use a looming loss of Australia's top-notch rating to frighten the horses and blame the other for the supposed problem. But there are much larger forces at work in the world.

Time to break the banking 'lazy tax'

Financial products are often designed to make them hard to compare with others.

For all the criticism heaped on banks, most customers are notoriously reluctant to vote with their feet, and the industry knows this all too well.

What the RBA totally missed about our two-speed economy

Victoria wants $6.3 billion of federal cash to spend on infrastructure.

Reserve Bank assistant governor Chris Kent missed a major opportunity this week. He delivered a speech about how the various states are travelling but totally omitted a key reason for the two out-performers doing so well.

How little Oz rolls with the economic punches

Since it was floated in 1983, the Australian dollar tends to move up or down in ways that limit inflation pressure and ...

How has poor little Oz managed to keep our economy growing continuously for 25 years while, in the same period, other economies have suffered a recession or even two? We've had good insurance policies.

Workers pay price as charities turn their back

Charities should start taking a stand instead of waiting until they are shamed into it.

In December 2015 James Evans hatched a plan with the National Union of Workers to go under cover to expose wage fraud at a third party fund raiser for some of the country's most well known charities.

Myer stages a revival that proves critics wrong

Myer's turnaround is not rocket science, nor is it easy.

The fact that investors and retail experts are overjoyed about Myer reporting a 1.6 per cent improvement in sales in the first quarter of the 2017 financial year says a lot about the state of department stores in Australia.

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