
Doctor's letter: no single rooms for infectious patients in dilapidated Concord Hospital

Demand for hospital beds in Sydney's inner west is so strong that dying patients and those infected with multi-drug-resistant bacteria are forced to share rooms with other patients at Concord Hospital, which doctors say is dilapidated beyond repair.

One of the most senior staff at Concord Hospital wrote to NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner in September to plead for the facility to be redeveloped in a letter obtained by the NSW Opposition under Government Information (Public Access) laws.

Geriatric Medicine department head John Cullen said the buildings had recently endured water leaks, a ceiling collapse, toilet blockages, sewage overflows, floor subsidence, air conditioning breakdowns and possum invasions.

Virtually the whole hospital needed a major physical redevelopment, but geriatric patients were cared for in the "worst physical conditions on the campus", Dr Cullen wrote.

"The physical infrastructure of our wards is not fit for purpose and is beyond rectification.

"There are not enough single rooms to accommodate the dying, those with open wounds, patients needing isolation because of colonisation or infection with multi-resistant organisms, or those with disturbed behaviour due to dementia or psychiatric conditions."


Demand for beds was so high that patients were frequently farmed out to other floors within the hospital, and the lift between them frequently broke down, the letter said.

The buildings were unable to meet existing, let alone projected, patient loads.

The Labor Member for Strathfield, Jodi McKay, said the plight of the hospital was galling when compared to the $549 million blowout in the CBD light rail project.

"It's appalling that the state of Concord Hospital has become so dire that senior hospital staff are personally writing to Health Minister Jillian Skinner to beg for more funding," Ms McKay said.

"The responsibility should not fall on hospital staff to have to beg the government to ensure a hospital is properly funded and maintained."

Concord Hospital has fallen behind an extensive capital health works program initiated by Mrs Skinner, including major redevelopments at 14 hospitals including Blacktown, Campbelltown, Hornsby, St George, Wagga Wagga, Tamworth and most recently Nepean.

Dr Cullen wrote to the minister after a $150 million development promised to Concord during the 2015 election campaign was not allocated in the 2016-17 budget.

The NSW government wanted the Commonwealth to match this funding to meet the cost of the first stage of the redevelopment, but Mrs Skinner's office confirmed this week that the federal government has decided not to contribute to the project.

"The NSW government's commitment of $150 million towards the first phase of the redevelopment of Concord Hospital is not contingent on any offer of federal funding," Mrs Skinner said.

"The 2016-17 NSW Budget contained funding to ensure we undertake the necessary planning to ensure we get the redevelopment right.

"I responded to Dr John Cullen's letter in October and assured him that we will deliver on our commitment to commence work on the redevelopment in this term of government."

A spokeswoman for the Sydney Local Health District said planning was progressing.

"There has been extensive involvement of clinicians in the design of the facility to ensure it meets the needs of our community and is flexible to enable development of new and improved models of care," the spokeswoman said.

"Patient safety is always paramount for all staff and patients working across Sydney Local Health District and, despite the age of the buildings, SLHD and Concord Hospital have well-developed maintenance programs to ensure that safety."
