
My name is Andrew Zammit. I am currently a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne and was previously a researcher for Monash University’s Global Terrorism Research Centre. My research has mainly focused on jihadism in Australia. Other areas of interest include far-right violent extremism, human rights, national security laws and Indonesian politics.

I write in media outlets such as The Age, The Conversation, The Strategist and The Drum, specialist outlets such as the Jamestown Terrorism Monitor and West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center Sentinel, and academic journals such as Terrorism and Political Violence and Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. I have participated in briefings for religious and community leaders, government officials, law enforcement personnel and academics, from both Australia and overseas.

I also work as an editor for the website Australian Policy Online at Swinburne University, and co-host the podcast Sub Rosa.

Earlier I worked as a sessional tutor for the subject Crisis Zone: International Relations of the Middle East at Monash University and was a co-founder of Bayside Friends of Laleia, a community aid group established to assist development in East Timor. I was also an editor-in-chief and co-founder of Quarterly Access, a magazine for young writers on international affairs.

In this blog I discuss security, terrorism and human rights, focusing on Australia.

Why is it called The Murphy Raid? See here.

I can be found online at:

Or contact me by email:

  • zammita [at] student [dot] unimelb [dot] edu [dot] au

Relevant memberships:

  • Australian Political Studies Association
  • Australian Institute of International Affairs
  • Research Institute on Social Cohesion

Research projects I’ve been employed on:

  • Stocktake Research Project, commissioned by the Social Cohesion and Community Resilience Ministerial Taskforce, Department of Premier and Cabinet Victoria. Victoria University partnered with the Australian Multicultural Foundation. 2015-2016.
  • Radicalisation, Counter-Radicalisation and De-Radicalisation: Developing a New Understanding of Terrorism in the Australian Context, Australian Research Council Linkage Project LP0990577. Monash University’s Global Terrorism Research Centre partnered with Victoria Police, Australian Federal Police, Department of Premier and Cabinet Victoria and Corrections Victoria. 2010-2013.

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