
Strip-poker playing teacher flushed out of Camberwell Grammar but can still teach

A former Camberwell Grammar teacher who allegedly played strip poker with students on a school camp has been given the green light to continue teaching.

The teacher was asked to leave the Canterbury private school last year after parents raised concerns about his behaviour.

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Sex abuse compensation scheme

The government has announced a plan to give victims of institutional sexual abuse compensation and counselling. Courtesy ABC News 24.

He is still a registered teacher, despite a Victorian Institute of Teaching investigation into his conduct.

It follows revelations in Fairfax Media earlier this week that the school is being investigated by police over historical sexual abuse allegations

The alleged strip poker incident was reported to the school after a distressed student alerted his parents. The school notified other parents whose children were involved in the incident and the teacher, who is in his 60s, was ordered to leave.

A parent, who did not want to be named, said the teacher told children "not to be embarrassed" during the erotic party game. She said the school told parents that the teacher had a "lack of judgment". 


Principal Paul Hicks said that the school always put students' safety first.

"Whenever any incident occurs involving the safety of our kids our response is swift," he said.

Victorian Institute of Teaching chief executive Melanie Saba said that the watchdog investigated the allegations in 2015 and the "matter was resolved".

Police at Box Hill's Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation Teams have been investigating a separate incident involving another former Camberwell Grammar teacher.

Their investigation centres on the alleged assault of a student who attended the school in the 70s. The alleged victim claims that they were molested on a school camp and in the classroom, events which had traumatised them for life. Police have interviewed a 73-year-old man from the eastern suburbs who has been released pending further inquiries.

The alleged perpetrator is still a registered teacher and volunteers at a children's camp organisation.

Schools are rushing to roll out policies and programs to prevent abuse in the wake of a state parliamentary inquiry and the ongoing Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

New laws introduced into State Parliament will force institutions, including schools, to prove that they took steps to protect children under their care.

And from next year, the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority will monitor whether schools comply with new child-safe standards. Under new rules, schools could have their registration suspended or cancelled if they fail to implement policies to manage child abuse. 
