
Gardener who also played organ in church jailed for stalking, filming boss having sex

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A gardener who filmed his boss having sex and put a camera in her bedroom during a relentless stalking campaign that lasted more than three years has been jailed.

Terrence Georgiou, an organist with his local church, was on Wednesday jailed for three years and eight months for crimes while infatuated with a woman who hired him to look after her garden, after they met at a ballroom dancing class he attended with his wife.

Georgiou also posted online a photograph of the woman when she was pregnant and partially naked, that he had retrieved from her phone.

He also took a photograph of her at court when she was seeking a personal safety intervention order, and at one point rang a court claiming he was a relative so he could have her legal documents sent to him.

County Court judge Sue Pullen described the offending as "most serious and extremely disturbing".

Georgiou sent the woman an email telling her she was beautiful and that he cared for her more than his wife, Judge Pullen said, but when she rejected his advances he began obsessing about her and stalked her from early 2012 to April last year.


The woman at one point discovered a camera hidden in a heating vent in her bedroom, although police found the device was incapable of recording, the court heard.

Police later found a video file of the woman having sex when they analysed Georgiou's phone and laptop.

"Suffice to say, (her) activities were none of your business," Judge Pullen told him.

Last year, when the woman went to court to seek an intervention order, Georgiou took a photograph of her and sent it and a crude remark to a mutual friend. The friend sent the photo to the woman and police were notified.

Judge Pullen said police discovered hundreds of photos and videos Georgiou took of the woman, and photographs of her underwear, medication and mail.

Police also discovered he went online to research the woman and her friends, had published the photo of her pregnant on her husband's Facebook page and breached the intervention order 65 times by visiting her property.

Forty images of child pornography were also found. Georgiou claimed he retrieved the images from an old phone the woman gave him, but Judge Pullen was satisfied the images were his.

The judge said Georgiou's stalking was intrusive, obsessive and protracted, and had left the woman fearful for her safety, stressed and embarrassed.

"To say you were obsessed with her is an understatement," she said.

Georgiou pleaded guilty to stalking, obtaining property by deception and possessing child pornography. The court heard he was put on a good behaviour bond in 1992 for using a listening device and criminal damage, related to another woman he was infatuated with.

The court heard Georgiou had been taught as a child to "document everything" while his family was part of a religious cult.

He must serve at least two years and four months in jail before he is eligible for parole.
