

Criminals like me should be allowed to become MPs

Why shouldn't criminals be MPs?

The legal tribulations of One Nation Senator Rod Culleton have focused attention on a rarely thought about aspect of our electoral system.

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One Nation, two egos

Pauline Hanson pays out on her One Nation senate colleague Rod Culleton, saying he's not a team player and the attention has gone to his head.

However, it's an aspect I was forced to think about a lot when I was running for the NSW Parliament in 1991.

Like most parliamentary systems we have a series of proscriptions about who can stand for Parliament. One of these is that citizens engaged in certain criminal judicial processes are not eligible to nominate.

This posits the question, why shouldn't it be the voters who decide who they want to represent them rather than some judicial process? As long as the candidate has been transparent about their past, why shouldn't voters be trusted to cast their ballot for whoever they want. Goodness, the democratic process even allowed Americans to choose Donald Trump!

The proscription on criminal processes relating to past activity should not be confused with the issue of sitting MPs committing crimes and being expelled or disqualified from office. One can argue that the voters were not aware of the crime at the time they cast their ballot so were not fully informed voters.


The "criminal" prohibition should also not be confused with other proscriptions such as appropriate citizenship or the catch-all prohibition of holding an "office of profit under the crown". These are issues that an aspiring candidate can alter. A prior criminal process cannot be altered.

On the whole, Australians believe that former criminal activity should bar you from parliamentary representation but why shouldn't a retired safe-cracker who has become involved in Penal Reform issues stand for Parliament to further his/her cause, or a convicted drug user stand on a drug law reform platform? In some countries you can even stand for Parliament from your jail cell.

The history of Australian parliaments is littered with famous jail-birds, starting with John Curtin himself and my particular favourite Donald Grant who served four years of a 15-year sentence for arson and sedition and then triumphantly served 16 years in the Senate.

The prohibition federally and in the various states and territories is so loosely worded it is sometimes not clear what an actual prohibited crime is. So, combined with confusion about the prohibition attaching to the judicial process rather than the crime itself, often the decision about whether or not someone is ineligible to stand is made by the party rather than by the courts. This was my problem.

The NSW prohibition is slightly different to the Federal one. In NSW the prohibition seems to be "an infamous crime" or a crime for which the penalty is five years' jail or more – later changed to a year or more.

I had two problems, I had been given a two months' jail sentence for disrupting the racially-selected Springbok tour in 1971 (an infamous crime?) but amongst my other sins I had also been convicted of "assault police" during a particularly violent protest against American Vice-President Spiro Agnew. This was a proscribed crime, and ignorant of possible let out clauses, I endured an anxious waiting period.

I had been pre-selected by Labor's left faction with ease but before my name could go on the ticket for the Legislative Council, the right faction had to agree. For many weeks I awaited the decision of the Administrative Committee. In the end the right made the sensible decision that an unholy brawl about our party's anti-Vietnam and anti-apartheid policy would not be politically helpful.

However, that debate should never have had to take place. The party should not be in the business of deciding between "good" criminal acts and "bad" criminal acts. It should not be an issue at all. I would suggest that these sorts of in-house decisions have been made many times within political parties. The problem for One Nation is that these vetting procedures probably do not exist within their structures.

The decision to take action on a conviction prohibition is nearly always a political decision rather than a legal one. I may have been ineligible to be an MP so why did no one challenge my right to be in the Parliament all those years? Because they would have looked silly, that's why.

I was sitting in a chamber with two other jail-bird activists, one was the noted environmentalist Ian Cohen who blithely admitted to the House that, after being busted for marijuana, he couldn't be a teacher so he stood for parliament instead. No one questioned his credentials to be there either.

When I was chairman of the ethics committee I undertook an inquiry into Section 13 and 13B of the Constitution Act, which deals with these problems. The inquiry took three years and produced no further clarity.

If the various prohibitions on criminal activity were all abolished and replaced with simple transparency obligations such as filling in blank spaces on a form, then a lot of unnecessary anxiety and judicial action would be avoided. We would not be witnessing a High Court Case that essentially revolves around the issue of a $7.50 car key.

Surely we should be mature enough to let the informed public decide?

Dr Meredith Burgmann is a former criminal and Labor president of the NSW Legislative Council. She is currently writing a book about protest in the 1960s.
