Australian schools 'at the crossroads', as OECD study confirms steep decline

Australian schools are at a crossroads, says the Australian Council for Educational Research.
Australian schools are at a crossroads, says the Australian Council for Educational Research. Getty

A leading education research body says Australian schools are at the crossroads after new OECD figures showed Australian teenagers are falling behind the world – and are up to a year behind where they were in 2003 – in the three key disciplines of maths, science and reading.

The data from the OECD's three-yearly survey of over 70 countries, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), reveals that the declining performance is deeply embedded.

Falls are seen in Australian schools for both genders, across most states, all school sectors (government, Catholic and private), all income levels, and in cities and well as regional areas.

Responding to the study federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham said "we must acknowledge the reality that our performance is slipping".

"Given the wealth of our nation and scale of our investment [in schools], we should expect to be a clear education leader, not risk becoming a laggard," he said.

The OECD's wake-up call comes as the federal and state governments negotiate a new agreement for Commonwealth funding of schools to start in 2018, with education ministers due to meet for talks on December 16.

Genuine conversation

"We must leave the politicking at the door and have a genuine conversation that is based on evidence about what we do from here," Senator Birmingham said.

Sue Thompson from the Australian Council for Educational Research, which directed the Australian part of the OECD study, said the decline needed to be urgently arrested.

Students are performing worse at all income levels, achievement levels and across government, Catholic and private schools.
Students are performing worse at all income levels, achievement levels and across government, Catholic and private schools. Peter Nicholson

"We are at a crossroads. We need to set up a long-term, bi-partisan plan now," she said.

Catholic schools were the worst performing school sector in the latest PISA data, after adjusting for socio-economic differences. In particular, there was a statistically significant gap between the lower performance of students in Catholic schools and the higher performance of students in other non-government schools.

"Students in independent schools bring with them an advantage over students in Catholic schools that is not attributed to student and school socioeconomic background," the PISA report on Australia said.

The PISA results follow last week's release of another major international comparison of school achievement, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) which showed Australia was standing still even as other countries improved.

Years behind

The PISA figures show that, since 2003, Australian 15-year-olds' maths literacy has fallen by the equivalent of one year of schooling; since 2000 reading literacy has fallen by the equivalent of 10 months of schooling; and since 2006 scientific literacy has fallen by the equivalent of seven months of schooling.

Singapore was the best performing country in all three learning areas and Australia lagged Singapore by two years and four months of schooling in maths, one year and six months in science and one year of schooling in reading.

In spite of Australia's declining performance it is still above the OECD average in all three areas, though in the case of maths only just.

Other countries, besides Singapore, which are well above Australia in all three learning areas include Canada, South Korea, Japan and the Chinese territories of Hong Kong and Macao.

Unlike the TIMSS study, which tests how well year 4 and year 8 children master material taught in school curricula, the PISA test is more problem-based, assessing students on how well they deal with questions they are likely to meet in the workforce and in every day life.

Australia's declining performance casts doubt on the popular notion that, even though students in Asian countries do well in rote learning, Australian students do better in solving real world problems.

Senator Birmingham said the poor result backed his calls for schools to put more focus on evidence-based reforms to boost student outcomes.

Focus on classroom

Grattan Institute schools research director Peter Goss agreed, saying that successful school systems in other countries put more emphasis on what occurs in the classroom than Australia does.

"That's where learning happens," he said.

The Australian Education Union, representing public school teachers, said the 2000-2015 period of performance decline coincided with growing inequity in school funding.

"We now have gaps equivalent to three years of schooling between students from rich and poor areas, and that is what is dragging our results down," AEU federal deputy president Maurie Mulheron.