Easily access Google APIs from Python

Call Google APIs simply

Use the simple, clean library to make calls from Python to one of the many supported Google APIs. This example uses the Google+ API:
 # List my public Google+ activities.
 result = service.activities().list(userId='me', collection='public').execute()
 tasks = result.get('items', [])
 for task in tasks:
   print task['title']

Handle auth with fewer lines of code

The easy-to-use authentication library can reduce the code you have to write for OAuth 2.0. Sometimes a few lines is all you need.
 # Authorize server-to-server interactions from Google Compute Engine.
 from oauth2client.contrib import gce

 credentials = gce.AppAssertionCredentials(
 http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())

Use the library with Google App Engine

App Engine-specific helpers make quick work of authenticated calls to APIs. No need to worry about exchanging code for tokens; get right down to writing the meat of your application.
 # Restrict access to users who've granted access to Calendar info.
 decorator = appengine.OAuth2DecoratorFromClientSecrets(

 class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
   def get(self):
     http = decorator.http()
     request = service.events().list(calendarId='primary')

Use standard tools for installation

You can install the library using standard Python tools, and there are custom installs optimized for Google App Engine.
 $ pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client