
David Hallberg: Coppelia comeback after agonising lay-off

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American ballet superstar David Hallberg sits gently rotating his left ankle. He has, say ballet experts, perfect feet with "dolphin arches".

Add to those his perfectly long thighs, impeccable torso and princely good looks, and you can see why the 34-year-old New Yorker is considered the most beautiful male ballet dancer in the world today.

But all is not perfect beneath the surface. That left ankle has been troubling Hallberg – so much he hasn't danced in public for two and a half years.

For the past 12 months he's been living in Melbourne, far away from the spotlight, undergoing an intense remedial program designed by The Australian Ballet's principal physiotherapist Sue Mayes and her team of body conditioning and rehabilitation specialists.

Now Hallberg is poised for his comeback.


On Tuesday, December 13, he makes his debut as Franz in Coppelia at the Sydney Opera House and the entire ballet world will be watching.

"I came to Australia with a shaved head and a swollen foot," he says. "I'm growing my ballet hair back now. As a male lead, we have to have a prescribed length of hair on stage. But it was so therapeutic to shave it off and cocoon myself in this very intense rehab process."

Hallberg's ankle injury was potentially career-ending, the result of wear and tear caused by 15 years at the elite level as a member of the American Ballet Theatre and Bolshoi Ballet.

He joined the latter in 2011, making history as the first American to join the Russian company as Premier Dancer. "I knew the only way I could find my way back to the stage was by devoting myself to Sue and her expertise," he says, adding that the AB's medical team is widely regarded as the world's best.

It has not been an easy 12 months.

"It's been extreme hard work, extreme dedication, and also extreme loneliness. This isn't my home. But it feels so comfortable and I've been made to feel so welcome."

Recovery has been gruelling. For three months, he wasn't allowed in the ballet studio. Instead he started each day with two hours of muscle strengthening with body conditioning specialist Paula Baird-Colt. When he got back into the studio with the AB's rehabilitation expert Megan Connelly, he had to start from square one.

"It was emotionally stripping because in the corridor, all the students in The Australian Ballet School who had seen me on YouTube were now watching me on the floor in socks stretching one leg at a time," Hallberg says.

But he stuck to his routine: two hours of strengthening in the morning; two hours of ballet in the early afternoon; a rest with his feet in an ice bucket, followed by two more hours of strengthening.

"One of the most off-the-wall things I've been doing is running up flights of stairs with a metronome in my pocket to make every step the exact same speed," he says. "Now I'm running up the steps of the Opera House. Come down and you'll be able to see me doing it."

The hardest part of the recovery has been mental, Hallberg admits. At one point, he was tweeting the last lines from Samuel Beckett's novel The Unnamable: "I can't go on. I must go on. I'll go on."

"Emotionally, some days I was just going by the words of my team and not my own self-belief. I was lost mentally but something inside me kept fighting," he says. "It took an army of people to get me back on stage. It wasn't just me. It really took the positive reinforcement of the entire team to say, 'you are doing this, this is happening'."

Physically, Hallberg is ready to dance. He is not pain-free, however, and may never be again. A guest role in Coppelia is an ideal test, he says. "I've never danced Coppelia before, it's actually quite exciting because I don't have an idea of how I used to do it. If I do go back to Swan Lake and Giselle and Romeo and Juliet, the ballets I danced earlier on, I know they will feel different. But Coppelia will be a completely fresh start for me."

Hallberg says his future is still unknown. He is hoping to dance again with the American Ballet Theatre and the Bolshoi Ballet. He also hopes to retain close ties with The Australian Ballet. "My calling now isn't just as a dancer. Now that I've witnessed these dancers in the company for a year, I want to help nurture and mentor them and really just help this company as much as I can …as much as it has helped me."

Hallberg is scheduled to dance in Coppelia on December 13, 16, 19 and 21.
