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How can you create poolside shade?

Last Updated Nov 18, 2016 · Written by


One thing we often overlook when we install a swimming pool is poolside shade. If the pool is near a covered patio, it might not be a problem, but it's also nice to have a covered area near the pool where you can relax between dips without having to dry off. How can you create poolside shade? Here are some ideas to think about:

  1. A Poolside Gazebo
  2. Are Trees a Good Choice?
  3. Shade Sails and Umbrellas
  4. Awnings for Pools

A Poolside Gazebo

A poolside gazebo is a more expensive solution, but could be the finishing touch your pool deserves. Your gazebo can be made from a variety of materials and the roof can be solid or thatched. A thatched gazebo can give your pool a tropical look. Thatching makes an excellent covering because it is such a good thermal insulator.

A poolside gazebo doesn't have to be large. You may want to make yours just large enough to fit a couple of lounge chairs. Add some landscaping around the gazebo to create a magical poolside atmosphere.

Are Trees a Good Choice?

Trees are beautiful and create wonderful cooling shade. Some types of trees don't work well around pools, though. Trees shed leaves, which drop in the pool and can clog your pool filters or make you have to skim the pool daily. Pool maintenance services have experienced the damage some types of trees can do and can suggest trees or palms that won't damage or stain your pool or pool pavers.

Avoid planting deciduous trees near your pool. Many evergreens also drop a lot of leaves. If you have gum trees, for example, notice how many leaves they drop. Palms drop few leaves and taller palms can create the shade you need. You may even want to create a mini-jungle near your pool and have a seating area at the edge of your "jungle." Add a natural looking waterfall and the picture is complete.

Breezes will blow dead leaves even from smaller plants into your pool. To be sure your palms and other plants don't clog your pool, have a garden maintenance service prune and maintain your plants regularly.

Shade Sails and Umbrellas

An inexpensive and effective way to create shade around a pool is to install shade sails. Shade sails come in a variety of standard shapes and sizes, but it doesn't cost too much more to have them custom made for you. You may also need to install posts for the sails to hang from, but you can have the poolside shade you need with shade sails.

Shade sails come in all colours. Create any theme you like. You may want to use more muted, natural colours or you may want to create splashes of colour around your pool. If you like, you can even hang the shade sail over part of your pool to create a shady area to relax in.

If you only want shade in a small area, an umbrella might be the ideal solution. Some outdoor furniture comes with umbrellas or you can have an umbrella custom made if you want a larger shaded area. A shade sail supplier can make an umbrella as small as 2.1 metres in diameter or as large as 8 meters in diameter.

For more ideas and inspiration, check out our Shade Sail Design Ideas photo pages.

Awnings for Pools

Awnings today can span a wide area without the need for additional support. If your patio covering doesn't extend quite as far as you'd like, you can attach a retractable awning to a wall or overhang and get two metres or more of additional shade without having to install poles.

If your pool is at a distance from your house, you can erect a structure to support the awning. You might want to put the awning against a fence or the awning can be installed on a purpose-built wall on pool decking or pavers. A retractable awning gives you options. You can retract the awning if you want to get warm in the sun or extend it when you want shade.

Many awnings also have tilt-features. If the sun is sneaking in under the awnings, you can adjust the tilt to give you the shade you need. For more awning inspiration, have a look at our Awning Design Ideas photo pages.

If you've gone to the trouble and expense of installing a pool, it's worth exploring ways to create poolside shade. You'll use and enjoy your pool more and your shade structure can be a stylish pool and garden feature.

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