

Virginia Woolf avoids a car crash

Striking: Christian Charisiou as the cynical young biologist Nick and lead actor Deborah Galanos as Martha.

We don't have the tradition of the "Alan Smithee" credit in the theatre. If we did, this production of Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? would probably deserve one.

Summer of Love exhibition celebrates nun whose designs spread the word

Sister Corita Kent
Yes 3 1979
Courtesy of the Corita Art Center, Immaculate Heart Community, Los Angeles, CA

Sister Corita Kent had catholic tastes. Long before sampling went mainstream, the feisty Catholic nun's 1960s poster graphics co-opted the catchy slogans and bright, hard-edge colours of advertising, together with the poetry of popular music, to create her politically charged screenprints.Â