- published: 13 Aug 2014
- views: 1668
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA (初音ミク -Project DIVA-) is a series of rhythm games created by Sega and Crypton Future Media. The games have appeared on the PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Nintendo 3DS, iOS, Sega RingEdge and PlayStation Vita platforms. The series currently consists of 5 main titles and 3 spin-offs. The series primarily makes use of Vocaloids, a series of singing synthesizer software, and the songs created using these vocaloids most notably the virtual-diva Vocaloid Hatsune Miku. The game is the first video game to utilize the Vocaloid software developed by the Yamaha Corporation.
As the game is a rhythm game, players are allowed to choose from a wide variety of Vocaloid songs, original songs sung by vocaloids, including songs sung by Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Len. Players also can choose which character they wish to play in the game. Known as modules, these modules can be completely different characters or simply different costumes for the same characters. These modules, though not directly controlled by the player, will be the ones appearing in the music videos throughout the game including their specific costumes. For example, if the player chooses Kagamine Rin for their first character and Hatsune Miku for their second character, during solo songs only Kagamine Rin appears in the video but for duets both Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin will appear in the video. Each of the songs have their own difficulties which are Easy, Normal, Hard and Extreme. Initially both the Easy and Normal difficulties of a song are unlocked, upon clearing the Normal difficulty, the Hard difficulty will be unlocked and so forth. Players progress through the game by completing songs and unlocking more new songs until they eventually unlock all songs.
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA ƒ (初音ミク Project DIVA ƒ) is a 2012 rhythm game created by Sega and Crypton Future Media for the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3. The game is the fifth entry in the Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA series of Vocaloid rhythm games and was released on the PlayStation Vita on August 30, 2012. A PlayStation 3 version titled Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Ƒ (capital F as opposed to the PS Vita's Italic ƒ) was released on March 7, 2013. The PS3 version was released physically and digitally in North America on August 27, 2013, making it the first game in the Project DIVA series to be released in the West. It was to be released in Europe at the same time, but instead released one week later, on September 4, 2013 as a digital download only title. The PS Vita version was released in North America and Europe in March 2014, both as digital download only titles as well.
The game appeared at Sony's E3 2012 booth in June 2012 under the name Hatsune Miku so as to gauge interest for the game. Like the original the game primarily makes use of Vocaloids, a series of singing synthesizer software, and the songs created using these vocaloids, most notably the virtual-diva Hatsune Miku. Project DIVA F is the first game in the series to be multi-platform, with it being developed simultaneously for the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3, though there is some differences with regards to control schemes. A sequel, titled Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd, was released for PS3 and Vita on March 27, 2014 in Japan and released in November 2014 in North America and Europe.
【鏡音レン】天樂 中文字幕【鏡音誕生祭2013カバー】
+α/あるふぁきゅん。with クプラ- 『しんでしまうとはなさけない!』をウザさMAXでコラボってみたったwwwwwww Alfakyun. with Cupula [試唱] #αβ叫喚
【Project DIVA F】天樂 Music of Heavens by ゆうゆ ft Kagamine Rin w/English Subs
【作業用BGM】私的厳選ボカロメドレー vol.1
【初音ミク】「Project DIVA F・F2・X」収録曲メドレー紹介映像
モノクロカーマ 「天樂」
【鏡音リン・レン】すげぇアプリ開発中 中文字幕【by じーざす】
【鏡音リン・鏡音レン】リモコン【Project DIVA Future Tone】
「鏡音リン ・レン」DIVER CITY (じーざすP)
鏡音リン・レン歌曲PV字幕委託 http://goo.gl/tOkMHp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 歌曲資訊: レンくん、リンちゃんお誕生日おめでとおおおおおおおおう! 我が家に来てくれてありがとうこれからもずっと大好きです愛してるぅぅぅぅぅぅぅう!// ■本家様 ゆうゆ様 sm7918983 ■mix せろ様 総合→mylist/8117497,オリジナル→mylist/19436744 ■イラスト クロウ様 ■動画 Amelia(副部長P)様 mylist/23823776 ■調教 風拓 mylist/34913904 樂曲來源NicoNcio http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22541902/ 原曲-鏡音リン-天樂 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7918983 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 鏡音樂坊-FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/kagaminelab
ク『きけ、ぼくのいけぼ^^』 あ『やめな短小DT』 Credit (Cover) ●Female Vocal: Alfakyun. +α/あるふぁきゅん。 https://twitter.com/alfa10alfa/ http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/-/Artist/A024919.html http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/37540797 http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co2047182 ●Male Vocal: Cupula クプラ https://twitter.com/cupula_cupula http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/36013005 ●Mix: Fuji 藤 https://twitter.com/Fujiborozoukin http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/18592349 https://www.youtube.com/user/FUJI544 ●Release: 2nd Album [αβ kyokan / αβ叫喚] 2016.01.27 https://youtu.be/TcK4T_E8cb4 http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0179FCZ1U ★2016年1月27日発売+α/あるふぁきゅん。2nd Album「αβ叫喚」に収録されます ★下記のチェーンでは、店頭特典として、”クプラきゅん。トークCD”が付いてきます! ※数に限りがあるので、絶対にほしい人は、予約しといた方がいいよ アニメイト:TYPE-A「2人は同級生~廊下でぶつかったその瞬間に~」 TSUTAYA:TYPE-B「もしもクプラとあるふぁが夫婦だったら」 タワーレコード:TYPE-C「アルバムタイトルに...
You can count on Rin burning down your venue whenever she picks up a guitar. I went with the Rain module instead of the default Mon Sakura module...personal preference. English lyrics from animelyrics.com by ArcCosine So I picked up the Elgato Game Capture HD device to see how well it does against the Hauppauge Colossus I usually use. The fact that it uses USB 2.0, does not need an external power source, can record at 1080p, has a built-in thru-put to your TV or monitor, and is small enough to fit in your open hand makes it a pretty amazing package. I decided to test it with the song "Music of Heavens" or 天樂 (Tengaku) and this upload is the result. I think the colors are a little over-saturated and that's something I would need to adjust in the settings. Also I was having issues tr...
メドレー専門放送局です( ´ー`)ノ 第1作目は作業用ボカロメドレー! 意見や要望がありましたらコメントまで↓↓ 【曲目】 1. Tell Your World / kz 2. 二息歩行 / DECO*27 3. 妄想税 / DECO*27 4. 脱獄 / Neru(押入れP) 5. 深海少女 / ゆうゆ 6. 古書屋敷殺人事件 / てにをは 7. 炉心融解 / kuma(alfred) 8. 天樂 / ゆうゆ 9. ぼうけんのしょがきえました! / じーざすP(WONDERFUL★OPPORTUNITY!)
Project DIVA FとF2とXの収録曲をまとめてみました 1.千本桜/黒うさP 2.DECORATOR/livetune 3.ラズベリー*モンスター/HoneyWorks 4.ODDS&ENDS/ryo(supercell) 5.カゲロウデイズ/じん 6.バビロン/トーマ 7.Sweet Devil/八王子P 8.ワールドイズマインド/ryo 9.エンヴィキャットウォーク/トーマ 10.フキゲンワルツ/OSTER project 11.ブラック★ロックシューター/ryo 12.クローバー♧クラブ/ゆうゆ 13.愛の詩/ラマーズP 14.Stay With me/shu-t 15.指切り/すこっぷ 16.結んで開いて羅刹と骸/ハチ 17.ツギハギスタッカート/とあ 18.どういうことなの!?/くちばしP 19.神曲/おにゅうP 20.二息歩行/DECO*27 21.二次元ドリームフィーバー/PolyphonicBranch 22.ロストワンの号哭/Neru 23.東京テディベア/Neru 24.こちら、幸福安心委員会です。/うたたP 25.脳内革命ガール/MARETU 26.夢喰い白黒バク/Nem 27.なりすましゲンガー/KulfiQ 28.Dreaming Leaf -ユメミルコトノハ-/OSTE project 29.タイムマシン/1640mP 30.Packaged/kz 31.soundless voice/ひとしずく×やま△ 32.Calc./ジミーサムP 33.DYE/AVTechNO! 34.SPiCa -39's Giving Day Edition-/とく 35.Strangers/Heavenz 36.WORLD'S END UMBRELLA/ハチ 37.アカツキアライヴァル/Last Note. 38.クノイチでも恋がしたい/みきとP 39....
2014.11.23 「SoundBayleaf vol.23」 Vo:春京(ハルキョウ) G:宮永章太朗(ミヤナガショウタロウ) B:三ッ葉(ミツバ) Dr:RYO-MA(リョーマ) http://www.monokurokarma.com/
鏡音リン・レン歌曲PV字幕委託 http://goo.gl/tOkMHp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 歌曲資訊: 「MIKU-Pack music&artworks; feat.初音ミク」04号付録CDにて先行収録された、WONDERFUL★OPPORTUNITY! じーざすさん書き下ろし楽曲PVを、39chにて独占公開!! 本楽曲はKARENTでも独占配信中! MIKU PackでCDを、39chで動画を、そしてKARENTで音楽を、ぜひお楽しみ下さい! ■Artist:じーざす ■Title:すげぇアプリ開発中 ■Illust:グライダー ■Movie:WONDERFUL★OPPORTUNITY! KARENT 『すげぇアプリ開発中』配信ページ → http://karent.jp/album/1400 MIKU Pack → http://miku-pack.jp/ 初音ミクチャンネルに登録 / Subscribe → http://goo.gl/RJLUu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 鏡音樂坊 此為尹玥的委託,所上的字幕樂曲。
鏡音リン・レン「リモコン」オリジナルPVですヾ(・д・。) 作詞:じーざすP 作曲:じーざすP 編曲:じーざすP ↓*歌詞*↓ L R L R STOP & Dash & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart) L R L R STOP & Dash & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart) L R L R STOP & Dash & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart) L R L R STOP & Dash & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart) L R L R STOP & Dash & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart) L R L R STOP & Dash & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart) これが私をリモートコントロールする機械です 少し歪な形しておりますが、使えます。 UP SIDE DOWN A B A B B A B A 左 右 L R L R STOP & Dash & UP & TALK 異常ナシ もうちょっとで外に出られるのにな どうやってもうまくいかね。 まだまだ足りない Foooooooo!!! 座る 座る oh SIT DOWN PLEASE YEAH! フィードバックに体預けて 廻(めぐ)る 廻(めぐ)る oh TURN IT AROUND YEAH! うなりをあげて、モーター状態 踊る 踊る oh DAN CIN' NIGHT YEAH! マッシュアップでもれなくアガる。 声を Foooooooo!!! あげて oh SING IN' NOW YEAH! あの子よりもうまく歌いたい。 これがボクをリモートで操縦できる機械です。 ...