Most participants in the remote work-for-the-dole Community Development Program were fined for breaching the conditions of the scheme the last financial year new figures reveal.

An Indigenous ranger group in the NT says the ABC's decision to end its shortwave radio service in the Northern Territory could be life threatening.

Traditional owners from the remote Mutitjulu community near Uluru have signed off on a landmark leasing deal after six years of negotiations with the Federal Government.

Royal commissioners have rejected the NT Government's attempt to vacate the rest of December hearings, after it argued it did not have time to prepare.

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The commissioners investigating juvenile detention in the NT have had a confronting visit to the site where six teenagers were teargassed in 2014.

Beloved ABC sports commentator and anti-domestic violence campaigner Charlie King wins a Northern Territory human rights award, using the moment to call for an end to family violence over Christmas this year.

Indigenous staff at Darwin's Don Dale youth detention centre say their reputations had been unfairly tarnished by the actions of some colleagues but they remain determined to work with the young inmates.

A Melbourne man accused of murdering a French tourist at a remote rest stop in Central Australia may have to be moved to a mental health ward in Darwin, a court is told.

Australia's biggest beef producer is trialling satellite technology to keep in touch will staff in areas where phones and two-way radios do not work.

The mother of former Don Dale youth detainee Dylan Voller says her son is too scared to give evidence at the royal commission into youth detention in the Northern Territory for fear of retribution.

A Darwin man who has lost nearly all of his family at different times around Christmas turns "a very sad time of year" into festive lunches for thousands of people in need.

Accused Alice Springs murderer Darren Ashley denies stalking his ex-partner the day before her death and says he did not even read a domestic violence order taken out against him, a court hears.

The Bureau of Meteorology says the wet season outlook is better than last year but some much-needed rain may still be weeks away.

The Northern Territory's imprisonment rate is already amongst the world's highest but it could skyrocket in coming years unless more is done to stop "at-risk" children becoming adult criminals, an inquiry hears.

Remote nurses attending after-hours call-outs will soon be accompanied by a trusted local community member to increase their safety following attacks on health workers.

Two years after the death of his son, the father of Darwin man Joshua Hardy calls for a shift in cultural attitudes to stop the normalisation of nightlife violence.

Cattle giant Consolidated Pastoral Company (CPC) is one of many northern cattle producers cashing in on carbon credits through the Emissions Reductions Fund.

An expert in prison systems who wrote a major report into youth detention in the Northern Territory describes to a royal commission how he thinks the centres should be run.

Origin Energy has taken advantage of the upturn in oil prices to spin off its conventional oil and gas assets and cut the massive debt that has been weighing heavily on the company's share price.

The commercial rollout of three new mango varieties begins across northern Australia.

The NT Chief Minister acknowledges some of the decisions he got wrong, but says he is happy the public debate of Labor's first 100 days in power are about decision-making, not scandals and infighting.

A new sexual health campaign is encouraging Territorians to get regular health checks, as the number of HIV cases in the NT double in the past year.

Managers from the NT Department of Corrections knew at least by May that there were serious problems at the Don Dale and Alice Springs youth detention centres, but they did nothing to fix the issues, a royal commission is told.

Production at Australia's largest barramundi farms is set to double with the establishment of more growing ponds at a Humpty Doo farm.
