Red fire ants: Time running out to wipe out deadly, invasive insect, report finds

Updated December 08, 2016 07:16:27

Red fire ants have been responsible for at least 85 deaths in the US. (Photo: Biosecurity Queensland) Video: Red fire ants have been responsible for at least 85 deaths in the US. (Photo: Biosecurity Queensland) (ABC News)
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Time is running out to eradicate the deadly red fire ant that is plaguing south-east Queensland and could potentially spread across Australia, a new report has found.

Key points:

  • Federal Government is urged to double spending on tackling ant problem
  • Report estimates the ants could cause up to 3,000 anaphylactic reactions each year
  • Estimates suggest the ant colonies are about 50km from the NSW border

An independent review of the National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program found there was "only a small window of opportunity left" to wipe out an insect that has the potential to be the worst invasive species to ever cross Australia's borders.

The report, obtained by the ABC, recommended the Federal Government double its efforts and spend $380 million over the next decade on treatment and surveillance to stop the march of the ants.

Red fire ants originated in South America and have been responsible for at least 85 deaths in the United States from people who have had anaphylactic reactions when the ants bite en masse.

The report estimated if the ants were not wiped out in Australia they could be responsible for up to 3,000 anaphylactic reactions each year.

The ants also have a massive impact on agriculture, with highly-cooperative "super colonies" being known to consume small livestock like lambs and chickens and undermine entire crops.

Most recent estimates suggest the ant colonies are about 50 kilometres from the New South Wales border.

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Agriculture ministers from around the country are expected to meet early next year to decide whether to ramp up efforts to eradicate the ant or move to a situation where they merely manage the insects' presence.

Invasive Species Council chief executive Andrew Cox said unless more money was allocated to the problem authorities would lose the fight against the ant in south-east Queensland, and ultimately Australia.

"The area's slowly expanding and we think it's because they haven't got enough money to do the job," he said.

"The impacts of red fire ants if allowed to spread will exceed the combined impacts of all of our current feral animals. The cane toads, the feral cats, the wild dogs, the camels — so the impacts are enormous."

A statement from Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce said the Agriculture Ministers' Forum agreed that eradication remains technically feasible and in the national interest.

Audio: Listen to Jake Sturmer's report (AM)

"[Federal and State Governments] are considering a future eradication programme, which will be on the agenda for the first agricultural ministers meeting in 2017 currently scheduled to take place in May," the statement said.

Eradication 'a real no-brainer'

The independent report suggested eradicating the ants would be a highly cost effective measure, with each dollar spent on eradication saving $25 later on.

If not contained, the infestation would affect at least 20 sectors of the economy and cost the country $1.6 billion.

Greens senator Janet Rice forced the Federal Government to table the independent review in Parliament.

She said both Federal and State governments needed to ramp up efforts and she called on them to take immediate action.

"They have not been treating it with the urgency and seriousness it deserves," she said.

"The economic benefits of taking action now will vastly outweigh what the current costs are ... $38 million a year isn't much in the context of a Canberra budget. It's a real no-brainer."

The Queensland and Federal Governments have previously been criticised for not getting on top of the infestation earlier, with authorities battling the ant for 15 years now.

Biosecurity Queensland's Dr Ross Wylie said what they had done was contain the outbreak.

"The big success of the program so far even though we're still living with fire ants, we're still fighting with fire ants, is the fact that we haven't given them to any other state," he said.

"We've helped to avoid some of the impacts that have occurred in the United States. So I regard that as a success. "

Dr Wylie said Biosecurity Queensland now had the tools to wipe out the ant for good.

"Basically they're an aggressive ant, they're a survivor, they have all sorts of adaptions for survival," he said.

"But obviously each day we delay is a day that the ant in theory is capable of spreading.

"I think we're a good shot of getting rid of it."

City under siege

Just 40 kilometres south of Brisbane, the city of Ipswich is being held to ransom by the South American pest.

Mayor Paul Pisasale said just two suburbs in the city were now unaffected.

"These things are just marching all over the place," he said.

Council staff have had to be trained in identifying the ants and there are strict measures around soil movement.

"The worst one was Leslie Park at Goodna. We had to close the park," Cr Pisasale said.

"These are aggressive little animals and they do hurt kids."

Cr Pisasale had sometimes questioned whether authorities had the situation under control.

"I know I've seen planes flying over dropping stuff on us, I've seen people putting flags everywhere and it just seems to be getting worse and worse," he said.

"I just hope someone is taking control of this and understands because I can't see any results."

Mr Cox said the ants had the potential to undermine Australian lifestyle.

"We won't be able to walk around on our grassy lawns with thongs," he said.

"We won't be able to have picnics. Our playgrounds won't be able to be used without baiting."

Topics: invertebrates---insects-and-arachnids, animal-science, science-and-technology, government-and-politics, federal---state-issues, federal-government, ipswich-4305, qld, australia, nsw

First posted December 08, 2016 06:00:17