Baked banana split recipe with yoghurt, ice cream and pistachios

Adam Liaw
Adam Liaw's healthier baked banana and pistachio splits.
Adam Liaw's healthier baked banana and pistachio splits. Photo: William Meppem

This home-made take on retro America diner favourite raises the bar. Cooking bananas really intensifies their flavour. Keep the ice-cream to a minimum and this decadent-looking dessert actually ends up being relatively healthy.


4 large ripe bananas

4 tbsp granola (check gluten free if required)

4 tbsp chocolate chips

4 tsp honey

4 scoops vanilla ice-cream, to serve (gluten-free if required)

1-2 cups thick yoghurt, to serve

½ cup crushed pistachios, to serve

1 cup mixed berries (raspberries, blueberries and strawberries work well), to serve

1 tsp ground cinnamon, to serve


1. Preheat oven to 200°C.

2. Split the bananas (don't peel them) in half lengthways, almost all the way through.

3. Fill each banana with granola and chocolate chips and drizzle with a little honey.

4. Wrap in foil and bake for 20 minutes.

5. Remove the foil and place the banana halves (with the skin) on a serving plate. Add a scoop of ice-cream, a couple of spoons of yoghurt, scatter with the pistachios and berries and finish off with a little cinnamon.
