WA News

WA fisheries seize top dollar fishing boat for lobster pot mischief

WA Fisheries has seized a high value fishing boat from the Ocean Reef marina in Perth's northern suburbs alleging its owner was interfering with other fishers' lobster pots.

The 51-year old man from Sinagra had his 6.5m Assassin craft taken out of the water on Friday and faces hefty fines - though with a price tag of over fifty thousand dollars, the potential loss of the dark blue hulled boat could hurt more.

While the vessel was being towed away on Friday, four men faced serious offences from last season at court in Joondalup.

Zan Petroski of Yokine, Steve and Aleksandar Kovacevski from Nollamara and Slobodan Stavreski from Westminster received over $18,000 in fines for a range of offences in December last year, including interference with other fishers' lobster pots.

Petroski was also convicted of using excess pots, taking totally protected rock lobster, possession of rock lobster flesh and mutilating rock lobster to prevent identification.

Kovacevski was convicted of using excess pots and taking protected lobster and Stavreski for using excess pots, mutilating rock lobster and possession of lobster flesh.


North Metropolitan compliance manager Todd A'Vard said Hillarys based Fisheries officers caught the men by acting on tip offs from community members.

"Last Friday's court case shows our officers will detect and apprehend fish thieves," Mr A'Vard said.

"Hiding rock lobster on your vessel, mutilating breeding condition lobsters and pulling other people's fishing gear will all get you a day in court – and the consequences will likely be costly."

WA's rock lobster season is heating up, with widespread reports of the 'white run' beginning - a time when crayfish shed their distinctive red shells, turn pinkish white and walk to deeper water.

The white run is when the vast majority of crayfish will be caught during the recreational season, but Mr A'Vard said fishers should be aware the waters are being watched closely.

"Our fisheries officers are seeing large numbers of fishers do the right thing – a pleasing result from the comprehensive covert surveillance and inspections we are carrying out this season.

"Now the whites have started, we expect more fishers on the water and it will be busy out there, so weight your pots correctly, keep your ropes to the right length to avoid tangles and surface chop-offs and don't touch anyone else's gear – and everyone will have a great season."

Fisheries have now seized four boats from waters around Perth this crayfish season, including a vessel at the Point Peron boat ramp in late October.

Anyone with information about illegal fishing activities is urged not to get involved, but to carefully observe what they see and give FishWatch a call on 1800 815 507.
