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Elephant Tourism: Heartbreaking Video Reveals the Reality of the Popular Tourist Attraction

More than half of Thailand’s elephant population are held in captivity, where they are often used for the sole purpose of human entertainment. Elephant...

Obama Admits to Rolling Stone Marijuana Should be Treated Like ‘Cigarettes or Alcohol’

President Barack Obama has told the American biweekly magazine, Rolling Stone in an interview that the United States should treat marijuana just like "cigarettes...

DEA Declares One Drug Illegal, Big Pharma then Patents It

The current scheduling of marijuana on the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) is well documented here at Anon, and on countless research and media sites...

Social Media Giants Create Database to Silence ‘Terrorist Propaganda’

(ANTIWAR) According to a new statement by Facebook, they have joined with YouTube, Microsoft, and Twitter to create a shared database of “terrorist content” which...

Leaked Files Show U.S. Armed And Trained Both Sides of War in Yemen

By Alice Salles at Promptly after the release of more than 500 documents from the U.S. embassy in Sana’a, Yemen, WikiLeaks explained why this particular...


Record Breaker: 95.1 Million Americans Are Not In The Labor Force

(ZHE) So much for that much anticipated rebound in the participation rate. After it had managed to post a modest increase in the early part of...

Obama Supports Forcing Women to Register for Military Draft

(ANTIWAR) Continuing the debate over a massive expansion of the Selective Service, the White House has announced that President Obama is in favor of expanding registration...


Veterans Apologize To Indigenous On Behalf Of U.S. Army At Standing...

By Amanda Froelich at Today, hundreds of veterans from across the United States took a knee and begged for forgiveness for crimes committed toward indigenous...

BREAKING: Victory! Army Corps Denies Permit, DAPL to Be Re-Routed

  In a stunning turn of events, the Army Corps of Engineers, at (believe it or not) the bidding of the Obama Administration, has denied...

2,000 Veterans Just Arrived At Standing Rock To Form “Human Shield”...

By Nearly 2000 US army vets have started to arrive at the Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp in North Dakota. Their intention is clear -...

Small Town In Oregon Donates Tiny Houses, Solar Panels, And Tons...

By Whitney Webb at A small, off-the-grid community in Oregon has donated several tiny houses, a solar energy system, and massive amounts of food to...


6-Year-Old Invited Sexual Abuse, Says Judge

(TFC) Buenos Aires, Argentina –  Judges Horacio Piombo and Ramón Sal Llargués of the Chamber of Criminal Cassation of Buenos Aires stunned the world when they reduced...

Cyber Security

The Best VPN Services of 2016

All over the world, Anonymous-based hackers emerge. However, law enforcement is having a hard time tracking them down, and one of these reasons –...

Seen it All? New Study Says Hackers Use Sound from Computer’s...

computer fan
Over the last two years, security researchers in Israel have been able to steal data from air-gapped computers. These types of computers are seldom,...

ICYMI: When North Korea Accidentally Revealed a Closely Guarded Secret About...

North Korea
North Korea — one of the world’s most isolated countries; the most secretive state in the world, and a locked box to the rest...

The 10 Most Notorious Hacks of All Time

From the massive Mirai DDoS cyber-attack to images exploiting your information, cyber-attacks are the new war front for many. Who needs a rocket launcher when...




The Real-Life Robocop

Law enforcement officers are using various semi-autonomous based technologies in order to perform tasks deemed unsafe for humans, or ones we are incapable of handling. Earlier this week, the Cleveland Police acquired a “non-lethal”...
flat-pack truck

Worlds First Flat-Pack Self-Building Truck, the OX

According to the designer, Gordon Murray, if you can build an Ikea bookshelf, you can build this truck. (Has he tried to build an Ikea bookshelf lately? May not want to lead with that.)...

The Most Secured Smartphones in the World

Smartphones have been around for some time now, however, it has only been a few years since we have adapted the technology to its fullest; changing our methods of daily communication, portable emails, to...
Facebook app

Save 20% of Battery Life by Uninstalling Facebook App

It is no surprise by now to see Facebook in the spotlight for flaws here and a bug there. While most of us are breathless at the thought of living without Facebook on our...

Tesla Predicted Drone Warfare Over 100 Years Ago

Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest minds the world has ever witnessed; from impressing his financiers with a brass egg and making it dance in front of them, to setting a whole plan for...


The Anoncast – Episode 16 – Saso Luznar of the Venus Project

On this episode of The Anoncast, Alek had the rare opportunity to sit down face to face with Saso Luznar of The Venus Project. The...

The Anoncast – Episode 15: Neo-Cons, The Media & The Military Industrial Complex

On this episode of The Anoncast, Alek talks with Robbie Martin of Media Roots.  Robbie's latest project A Very Heavy Agenda Part 3, holds...

The Anoncast – Episode 14 – Abby Martin from RT

On this week's episode of The Anoncast, Alek had a conversation with independent journalist Abby Martin. Abby Martin is well known for her work...

The Anoncast – Episode 13 – Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows of The Venus...

On this week's episode of The Anoncast, Alek had a unique opportunity to sit down with Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows, the founders of...

Teh Weekly News

Teh Weekly News, Ep. 10 – U.S. Vets vs. DAPL Cops, Barrett Brown Released, Anonymous War on DAPL Continues   U.S. News: More than 2,000 U.S. military Veterans are deploying themselves to North Dakota to protect Native land protectors and protesters from Morton County Sheriffs' and collaborating law enforcement agencies. This includes Democratic Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who is also a U.S. Veteran, and...

Recap of This Week: Dakota Access Brutality, Dorky Skinheads, Anonymous takes on DAPL

Anonymous weekly news   U.S. News: On Sunday, protesters at the DAPL clashed with police after they attempted to remove a barricade on the Backwater Bridge on Highway 1806 that was preventing emergency vehicles from reaching the Standing Rock Tribe. The Morton County Sheriff’s Department called the incident a...

Teh Weekly News, Ep. 8 – Trump’s Chumps, and Automobiles U.S. News: Donald Trump is in the process of choosing his new cabinet members, and has made former head of Breitbart News, Stephen Bannon, his Chief Strategist. Bannon is leader of the insurgent far right-wing, “Alt Right Movement,” which has been criticized widely for being...

Anonymous – Teh Weekly News – Episode 7 U.S. News: The U.S. election is probably the biggest news this week, so let’s get it over with. If we have to talk about it though, then we’d like to take a moment to get real with our viewers: This election brought out the very...

Anonymous – ‘Teh Weekly News’ – Episode 6

    On October 27th, a DAPL worker was caught trying to infiltrate Native land-protectors, armed with an AR-15 rifle. Kyle Thompson, an army veteran and hired security worker contracted with Dakota Access, was spotted by land protectors as he sped towards their main resistance camp...

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