

Malcolm Turnbull can clean the political swamp

Not all of Donald Trump's campaign themes were bad. One, in particular, was positive – his promise to "drain the swamp". This was his rallying cry against the cash-rich favour-exchange machine that goes by the name of Washington DC.

It could equally be called Canberra, ACT. Trump is not likely to be the one to rid the US system of corruption, nepotism and collusion.

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Tony Abbott's advice for the PM

The former PM eyes a return to cabinet while urging Malcolm Turnbull to repair aspects of the 2014 budget.

But regardless of what happens in his term, he has just given the political world a very powerful lesson. Trump demonstrated the enormous appeal of a candidate who promises to root out political corruption and fix a "rigged system" that shuts out ordinary people.

In Australia, the Commonwealth government is more open to corruption and collusion and conflict of interest than any of the states. Yet it's the level of government where the stakes are highest and the contracts richest. Only in Canberra is there no independent anti-corruption body. Only in Canberra is there not even so much as a code of conduct for MPs.

The people are onto it. Australians have less trust in the federal level of politics than in any other, with a 2014 Griffith University study finding only a bare majority of 53 per cent reporting a "good" level of confidence in Canberra.

There's a continuous process of security evaluations for Parliament House.


But the true threat to Australian democracy can't be warded off with another layer of fences. Only rigorous new laws and institutions to police them can defend the national interest against the corrosions of corruption and collusion.

The corridors of Parliament teem with high-paid lobbyists striding in and out of politicians' offices, operating within the protective cocoon of taxpayer-funded security, just one small sign of how a noxious nexus of favour-exchange is  officially condoned. 

We know that about half of Australian voters under the age of 30 don't think that democracy is necessarily the best form of government, as the annual Lowy polls show. Do we really think they, or any Australian, will be happy to see the next scandal? Because, as things are, we are absolutely guaranteed to see more scandals in federal politics. 

How can we predict this so confidently?

Because most of the biggest outrages of recent times have been entirely within the law. Clive Palmer showed how a rich guy can set up a political party, spend a few million to get a team elected, then conduct himself with flagrant conflict of interest with complete impunity. A miner who votes to repeal a mining tax, for instance.

All within the rules. He would likely be in Parliament still if his business hadn't collapsed so spectacularly.

Sam Dastyari showed how a politician on the make can tap corporate cash at will for personal expenses of any sort. Public outrage forced him to resign from Labor's frontbench but he remains a senator. All within the rules. 

The Turnbull government showed in the Bob Day case how a government can pass laws with the cooperation of someone who potentially wasn't eligible to sit in Parliament. 

Those possibly illicit votes stand. All within the rules. 

Labor's Bill Shorten has just shown in the Kimberley Kitching case how a political party can bring into the Senate as senator a person whom a royal commission has nominated for further investigation for possible criminal fraud. All within the rules.There is no federal body, no federal official, with the duty to screen these characters before admitting them to Parliament, nor the power to initiate an investigation on its own initiative.

And remember that the Commonwealth is a much bigger creature than the 226 MPs and senators. It has a quarter of a million employees and a budget approaching half a trillion dollars a year. A recent survey by the Australian Public Service Commission reported that, over the past year, more than 3000 federal public servants had seen inappropriate or illegal behaviour at work - including conflicts of interest, nepotism, blackmail, bribery fraud and collusion with criminals. Only one-third said they reported the malfeasance; the other two-thirds said they weren't sure how to report corruption.

The Australian politician who can best campaign to clean up Canberra will win the same enormous popular support that Trump tapped. Trump has shown the way. Which Australian politician will be the one to take up the opportunity?

To be fair, some politicians have made serious efforts to fix the system. Senator Nick Xenophon has used his position as part of the balance of power to force the government to introduce laws to protect and to compensate whistleblowers.

The Greens have spent the past five years campaigning for a federal anti-corruption body along the lines of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. They have legislation before the Parliament. The government is flatly opposed. Labor has always been flatly opposed but Bill Shorten has more recently said he has an open mind.

The Turnbull government gets credit for two major initiatives. It has started a serious assault against tax evasion by multinational corporations. Just this week it published draft legislation for a "Google tax". Second, this week it won parliamentary passage of the bills to restore the Australian Building and Construction Commission, designed to attack thuggery and corruption in the construction sector. Labor, in its shameful role as the political protective service for the CFMEU, is part of the problem.

But the clean-up required is far greater than either of the majors has yet admitted.  The major parties are the creators and beneficiaries of this system. So the major parties are the most reluctant to reform. Yet they are the ones with most to lose.

The new populism afoot in the West shows a tremendous underlying frustration with "the establishment" and "the system". Someone, one day, will unleash the same movement here. Will it be Pauline Hanson? 

If Malcolm Turnbull or Bill Shorten were truly smart, or truly public-minded, or both, they would return to Parliament in the New Year and declare a crusade to clean up politics.

Anyone serious about draining the swamp of Australian federal corruption and collusion will have these five items on their checklist, at a bare minimum:

1. Australia needs a federal anti-corruption body. Along the lines of the ICAC, but learning the lessons of the NSW experience. It needs the power to initiate investigations. It needs to be put beyond the reach of political interference, which means it must have statutory independence. 

2. The federal parliament needs to create a code of conduct for MPs and senators, and it needs a parliamentary integrity commissioner to enforce it. The commissioner's office could be modelled on the Parliamentary Budget Office, independent and properly resourced. It should screen all incoming members as well as monitoring existing ones.   

3. A recent, unpublished review of the Finance Department, led by former Howard government minister Warwick Smith, recommends that the system of parliamentary entitlements should be taken out of the department and set up as a separate body. 

4. Political funding needs wholesale reform: full and immediate – "real time" – disclosure and strict limits. The restrictions need to apply to third-party campaigning too - by companies and unions and others - or they will be bypassed.

5. Ministers' contacts with lobbyists and any other favour-seeking or vested-interest outfits need to be disclosed immediately, together with the subjects of the meetings or phone calls. The Queensland system is the most rigorous and could be a good starting point.

The cause of cleaning up Canberra is an inevitable one. The only question is who will best do it, and whether the energy will be channelled constructively to fix our democracy or destructively to make it weaker.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.



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