OECD backs Education Minister's refusal to pour more money into schools

Spending more money does not make better schools, except where spending is very low, the OECD found.
Spending more money does not make better schools, except where spending is very low, the OECD found.

The OECD has backed federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham in his refusal to boost school spending as a way to lift plummeting student performance in maths, science and reading.

In its latest international comparison of school performance of 15-year-old students in over 70 countries, the OECD said its data showed that spending extra money only made a difference for countries which were spending little on their schools.

"While money relates to learning outcomes among low-spending countries, for the majority of OECD countries there is essentially no relationship between spending per student and outcomes in PISA," it said in the latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) report.

The study, released Monday night, revealed Australia's school performance to be in sharp decline, both in absolute terms and relative to other countries.

The report said that although Singapore, the top-performing country in school achievement, is also a high-spending country, there are other high performers that are not among the big spenders on schooling.

For example South Korea and Estonia spend below the OECD average on their schools (based on purchasing power parity of their currencies) but are among the best performers in the PISA tests.

"What matters is how resources are allocated and the qualitative differences in education policies, cultural norms and professional practices that underlie the performance differences between and within countries," the OECD said in the PISA report.

Senator Birmingham is negotiating with states over the next school funding agreement due to start in 2018 and has refused to increase spending beyond the current indexation arrangements.

"For too many years now, we've had a debate that has endlessly been about how much money is spent, and not enough about how well it can be spent," he said.

The government is pushing to make more specialist teachers available in schools, and Senator Birmingham said on Wednesday that the government was willing to change visa arrangements to allow recruitment of teachers from overseas.

"We've already indicated that in terms of foreign-language teachers we would be open to having a look at if there needs to be a greater flexibility through the visa system," he said.

"And if the states and territories believe that the hiring of maths or science teachers from overseas is a benefit to them, then we'll certainly engage in those discussions."

Senator Birmingham said he believed the most important factor in student performance was teachers.

"We also want to better reward our most competent and capable teachers ... to make sure that we keep more of them in the profession, in the classroom providing teaching and leadership within schools," he said.

Business added its voice to the concern about falling school standards.

"Down the track this declining performance will mean students lack the skills they need for meaningful and well-paid jobs, undermining our ability to improve productivity," said Jenny Lambert, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's director of employment, education and training.

She called on all states to follow NSW and Western Australia in requiring school leavers to meet minimum standards for literacy and numeracy.

The PISA report also examined whether the growing use of computers in the classroom was leading to higher achievement.

Australia, which is among the countries with highest use of computers by students in maths lessons and at home, is seeing declining maths performance.

But over all countries there is no clear correlation between computer use and a change in achievement between the latest previous PISA test three years ago.