Highly-paid, well-connected pollster Mark Textor belittles rich elites

In touch with the common people:  (from left)) Mark Textor, David Cameron, and Lynton Crosby.
In touch with the common people: (from left)) Mark Textor, David Cameron, and Lynton Crosby.

Well, didn't the AFR's Boss Magazine cover story about LGBTI executives cause a stir last Friday?

As well as providing a compelling read (and here we were thinking Jennifer Westacott just hadn't met the right man yet) – it gave rise to the usual grab-bag of informed and Neanderthal commentary, including a Saturday column by our colleague Rowan Dean in which he resorted to outdated gay men stereotypes (mincing air stewards, anyone?) and schoolboy name-calling (Alan Joystick) ... says the Rear Window columnist without a hint of self-consciousness ...

But it was the response from Crosby Textor pollster Mark Textor that amused us most. He took to social media on Friday afternoon to offer his five cents' worth (so unlike him!), with a derisory tweet that went something like: "As a SSM supporter I believe the issue can be resolved with profiles of rich elite LGBTI's (sic), wearing rainbow twibbons and social media. (Not)".

By SSM we assume he means same-sex marriage, not subversive sado-masochism.

Rich elites? Pot, kettle, black! Because his "jobs and growth" mantra at the last federal election really connected with the masses ...

Meanwhile, word on the (Oxford) street is that the organisers of next year's Sydney Mardi Gras are considering creating a float in honour of AFR editor Michael "The Lift Lurker" Stutchbury.

Effigies are being designed, bedazzlers are being prepped and newsprint-themed hotpants are reportedly in production. We can't wait.