Former ICAC commissioner Megan Latham likes her coffee bitter

Megan Latham has taken to unemployment with a twist.
Megan Latham has taken to unemployment with a twist. Brook Mitchell

If Margaret Cuneen herself had made it up, it could barely be more mischievous. But word has reached our ears that recently-resigned ICAC commissioner Megan Latham has taken to her new-found freedom like a duck to water, indulging in all the leisurely breakfasts and morning coffee sessions that temporary unemployment affords.

Of most amusement to our spies is the cafe she frequents to while away all those hours she now doesn't have to pursue crooked pollies and their business and underworld associates. An establishment which goes by the name of Bitter and Twisted.

Latham's arch-nemesis, NSW Deputy Crown Prosecutor Margaret Cuneen, SC, was moved to describe Latham as "a truly vindictive woman" following news 10 days ago that Latham had resigned.

"Woke up a little bitter and twisted?" asks the cafe's website. "Let us sort you out!" The name of the cafe, the website further informs, "comes from (the barista) Vic's signature coffee blend which has a devilishly tasty bite".

We're sure Eddie Obeid et al would find that most appropriate.