
Thought for the dayDecember 7 2016

Mars, fittingly, is the most active planet in the sky now. Last weekend, it made an angle to Saturn which astrologers call a 'sextile'. This is a supportive, encouraging relationship between planets that wants to coax us into action. Today, Mars makes the same angle with Uranus. It suggests that the cosmos wants us all to pursue long-lasting, definitive change. Mercury's influence on Mars today asks us to think carefully before we act. But, as Venus enters Aquarius, it may be time to free our hearts to follow their own path.

You should read your 2016 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. It's as close as I can get you to a one-to-one reading with me. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2016 Guide to the Future here.


Mar 21 - Apr 20

We sometimes inadvertently step in a malodorous substance. Then, wherever we go, the aroma accompanies us. When we finally realise what's happened, we have to inhale even more of that foul smell as we scrub the soles of our shoes and go about cleaning up our footprints! Awkward though those experiences may be, they are actually positive indications that we are tackling a problem. As your ruler links to Uranus today, even if you're not having a lot of fun, you're doing a lot of good. Now, you should read your 2017 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future here.

Apr 21 - May 21

When we take pride in our work, it's particularly painful to be accused of being unprofessional. Yet, often the problem is more to do with the accuser than the accused. Right now, some people may find your chosen path eccentric, or even inappropriate. But, even if you're perceived as unconventional, the planets suggest that you have the strength in your convictions to decide between being liked and doing what you need to do to move forward. Don't get caught up in a blame culture today. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!

May 22 - June 22

There are two types of people in this world. Those who think they have all the answers and those who can't stop asking questions. You'd think that all you'd have to do is put the two together and we'd all be happy? Sadly, it's not so simple. The know-it-alls don't know as much as they like to think, and the questioners carry on questioning even when they have the right answer. As Venus changes signs whose opinion should you trust? You may as well trust your own. Your heart knows best! Now, you should read your 2017 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future here.

Jun 23 - Jul 23

We rarely make sound judgments when we're under the weather. Our heart may be telling us to let it lead the way, but our body is in no condition to follow. Under such strain, we need our heads to interject, and delegate the decision-making-process to a more capable adviser or seek counsel from someone who understands our needs. Now, as Venus changes sign, your healthy attitude returns with abundance. The obstacle before you will be much easier to overcome than you can imagine. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!

Jul 24 - Aug 23

Poets, philosophers and romantics speak of unconditional love. It sounds so wonderful. Why is it so hard to achieve? Yet when we stop to think, we find the emotional world is just as full of trade and barter as any marketplace. 'I'll do this, as long as you do that.' 'I'll be this for you, if you're that for me.' If the bargain is broken, the bond soon loosens. The question now, is what's on offer and for what return? As Venus moves into your opposite sign, it suggests a wonderful deal can be struck. Now, you should read your 2017 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future here.

Aug 24 - Sep 23

It's important to know when to compromise. Even the best professionals can only deliver two out of the three key elements: Cost, Speed and Quality. If a task is done quickly, and to a high standard, it won't be cheap. Or, it can be done cheaply and quickly, but won't be the best quality. Today, it's in your best interests to help someone understand that although you possess many skills, you can't use them all simultaneously. You'll be far more productive if you pursue what's most effective. And far happier too. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!

Sep 24 - Oct 23

Mars is making an angle with Uranus, which explains why you're starting to feel edgy. It may also be the reason for any impulsive urges, emotional inclinations and uncharacteristic outbreaks of increased volatility. Yet, your ruler is entering an area of the zodiac which encourages generosity. Be gentle on yourself and, if you find yourself coming up against potential conflict with others, try to be gentle on them too! What now seems very serious may well turn out to matter far less than you fear. Now, you should read your 2017 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future here.

Oct 24 - Nov 22

No matter what we do, sometimes the distance between family members grows. It's hardly surprising... as generation gaps widen, divisions are bound to surface. We can all feel a little detached sometimes. But even though we all outgrow our past, it doesn't mean we can't ever go back home. Nor, in this fast-moving, hi-tech world, must we lose contact with people. It's not, though, always easy to manage. Someone will appreciate the equivalent of a 'postcard from the frontier' from you today. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!

Nov 23 - Dec 21

Some say that to have Saturn in your sign is to suffer the astrological equivalent of an unwelcome guest in your home. I try not to disagree with my fellow astrologers but I must take issue with that. It depends on which sign you belong to. Saturn's passage through Sagittarius speaks of grounding and security, the ability to make clear plans and see them through �" stability in an ever-changing world. With Mars' link to Uranus encouraging creative changes, let go of any pressure to compromise. Now, you should read your 2017 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future here.

Dec 22 - Jan 20

Timidity is often viewed as a negative trait. But in financial matters, a little trepidation is seen as a good thing. If the ideas you're forming seem in conflict with the actions required to initiate them, it just means that the appropriate solutions have yet to appear. Perhaps it's better to sit on your hands than allow them to get to work without first having formulated a clear strategy. Actually you have time on them! When opportunity starts knocking. It does so loud. It does so clear. And it does so soon. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!

Jan 21 - Feb 19

Venus moves into your sign today; a sweet melodic counterpoint to the energetic drumbeat that Mars has been playing since it entered your sign a month ago. The coming weeks will lead you on a dance - and you'll enjoy your moments on the floor. You'll find your heart whirling, your head spinning, your emotions leaping and your material prospects taking a turn for the better. All you have to do is be sensitive and let your feet follow the music that life is playing. Go with the flow and follow the rhythm! Now, you should read your 2017 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future here.

Feb 20 - Mar 20

When people need something deciphered, you can help. We all have our strengths, but keen intuition makes you a great problem-solver. Your ability to see beyond the practical world opens the doors of perception. People recognise your skill. And your natural compassion and sensitivity allow you to act as translator for those less able to see the nuances in a situation. You don't need to solve every mystery today. But you can be the conduit that guides others towards, in all senses of the word, a 'fairer' future. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!