Mother in hospital after Vic dam crash1:19

A man is in custody and a young mother fighting for life after a car plunged into a Victorian dam.

Mother in hospital after Vic dam crash

Healesville mum dies after car plunged into dam

A HEALESVILLE mother whose car last month plunged into a dam has died.

Kerry Arrow was left in a critical condition after the car she was travelling in with her husband Phil Budding crashed into a dam at 10.20am on November 26.

media_cameraDr Kerry Arrow on her wedding day. Source: Facebook

The couple were on their way to the Mercy Hospital to visit their newborn son Jock when Mr Budding lost control of their Nissan Pathfinder on their steep Margaret Rd driveway in Healesville.

Friends and family have taken to social media to pay tribute to the young mum and child psychologist.

Dianne Axisa-Wynyard on Facebook wrote: “We lost a truly special person last night. I am honoured to have called you my friend Kerry Budding (Arrow)”.

“I cannot put into words how I feel but I will never forget you and I’m so grateful I got to tell that I valued you and loved,” she wrote.

“Fly high now Kerry and watch over your baby boy. I miss you already.”

Friend Pam Green wrote: “Thank you for your 22 years of friendship, your unwavering support and pride in everything I do, and most recently, your help in helping people.”

“Jock (your alien) has so many “mommies” here to love him for you, he will know all about his wonder woman mom (sic).

“I just have tears, this isn’t fair and I just can’t believe this is how your story ends.”