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Salvos Crisis Partners

Salvos Crisis Partners

To see why it’s so important you become a Salvos Crisis Partner now, you only have to look around you.

You’ll see that too many Australians are hurting. They’re too old and weak to leave their home. They’re broken by illness, and slumped into poverty. They hear daddy hit mummy, and suddenly 'home' is the back seat of a car. They're teenagers, too troubled for family to cope. They’re victims of fire or flood or drought or sudden job-loss.

That’s where you come in by becoming a Salvos Crisis Partner. With some small loose change each day you can provide so much. As an example your gift of $1.15 a day would achieve in 12 months:

  • A Sunday roast for someone homeless every week for a year
  • PLUS food vouchers for three families
  • PLUS warm clothes for a family
  • PLUS one night’s crisis accommodation
  • PLUS 10 woollen blankets for people on the street in winter
  • PLUS 100 meals of hot beef and veggie soup

PLUS with every blanket given, every meal served, every hurting family welcomed, you make sure these people in crisis know they are not alone. That through the Salvos someone cares. That their life is worth something.

Salvos Crisis Partners is an important program because:

  1. you help more people - regular gifts keep administration cost low, and that frees up more of your donation to directly help people
  2. your help is more effective - regular gifts mean we can plan care programs in advance, to give certainty and make programs even stronger.


Become a Salvos Crisis Partners today

Salvos Crisis Partners

Who you will help as a Salvos Crisis Partner

As a Salvos Crisis Partner, you reach out to:

  • people made homeless by poverty, mental illness or family breakdown
  • women and children who’ve suffered abuse and violence
  • high-risk high-needs young people
  • families facing crisis because of job loss
  • victims of drought, natural disaster or emergency
  • anyone who has nowhere else to turn

Salvos Crisis Partners