
Jean-Luc Moulène

Many of Jean-Luc Moulène’s photographic images are grouped under the series Documents. This special edition box set contains four volumes documenting six of the artist's most well-known photographic series. Here, photography functions as a research tool, a form of record keeping.



Jean-Marie Straub & Danièle Huillet

Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet resolutely eschewed a Hollywood style of spectacle filmmaking to create some of the most raw and beautiful, as well as innovative and profoundly moving films of our times. Their writings open up a further understanding of their essential contributions, and their unique place in film history.



Events & Postings:


No Appeasement: Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet
by Daniel Fairfax
Senses of Cinema, September 2016



To Live and Think Like Pigs!
by Hamish Win
White Fungus, Issue 14