

  1. 2017 another difficult year

    Another anguished treasurer faces the prospect of a mid-year downgrade to his economic forecasts. Perhaps it's time to revisit resources taxes and negative gearing.

  2. Xmas party survival guide

    Work Christmas parties can be awkward at best, permanently scarring at worst. Take Deirdre Fidge's advice and be prepared for this year's festivities.

  3. Climate changing wine

    For Australia's wine producers, climate change is not a thing of the future but an issue to be dealt with right now.

  4. What we know about Adani

    With approval granted for a permanent rail line and a temporary construction camp, the much-touted and often doubted Carmichael coal mine takes a big step closer to reality.

  5. OPEC's nifty wrangling

    Given the fraught political nature of "Big Oil" and low expectations of an outcome, the agreement hammered out by OPEC is quite a nifty bit of diplomatic wrangling.

  6. Shares explained simply

    Thought about share investing, but not sure where to start? Here are the basics, including the pitfalls and upsides, of jumping into the market.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Tue Dec 06 2016 16:11:00 GMT+1100 (AEDT))
Index Opening Closing Change
5458.00 5486.60 0.5%
5400.40 5428.70 0.5%
2039.70 2054.60 0.7%
8942.50 8988.10 0.5%
6168.20 6189.00 0.3%
19104.80 19212.10 0.6%
758.10 757.50 -0.1%
9585.30 9648.90 0.7%
4961.50 5019.80 1.2%
8456.80 8407.00 -0.6%
1725.40 1727.80 0.1%
7495.50 7505.90 0.1%
2263.50 2277.20 0.6%

Last updated

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