WA News

Wanneroo residents fined for 'parking in their own driveways'

 A year ago Steve Regterschot and his neighbours in the northern suburb of Tapping complained to council rangers that parents picking up kids from the local primary school were parking on their front lawns and driveways.

A flurry of fines were dished out and the annoying parking stopped cold.

But the tables have turned after a by-law was introduced by the City of Wanneroo banning all parking on verges in Spring Hill during school hours of 2:30pm to 4:30pm.

Now, Mr Regterschot and his neighbours are in the fining line.

"CoW have fined everyone on the street who have parked their car two car lengths on the drive way," Mr Regterschot said.

"The fine was $100 and we spoke to the ranger handing out the fines.They say that we cannot park more than one car length in our own driveway during school hours as it's classed as council verge.


"We have five adults living in this house which means we have five cars.

"We can all fit in our driveway without having to park on the road."

Mr Regterschot's driveway and those of his neighbours are not crossed by a pedestrian path, and have grassed or brick paved verges in between.

There is a path on the other side of the road however, so after receiving the fine, Mr Regterschot went to the council to speak to the rangers in person about finding a solution, and said was shocked at what they told him.

"Their solution from avoiding another fine was to move our cars across the road into the school's carpark between school hours, I kid you not," he said.

"I work from six to three which means I will not be there to do that. This has to be the dumbest thing I've heard.

"Instead of parking in my driveway, let's take up all of the schools parking spaces so the parents have nowhere to park to pick up their kids... are they insane?

"Maybe everyone in the street should park their cars in the school carpark from 2.30-4.30 as suggested by the CoW and the parents will have nowhere to park. There will be plenty of empty driveways though."

City of Wanneroo community and place director Noelene Jennings said 90 per cent of schools in the district have the same parking prohibitions to protect children, and are in place at the request of local residents, parents and the school.

"There is no restriction on residents parking on their own property, and the City has not fined anyone for doing so," she said.

"However, vehicles parked on the crossover or nature strip, between the property boundary and the road, are not permitted to park on this section if parking prohibition signs restrict the ability to do so."

Ms Jennings said many residents believe their property includes the full length of the driveway, but she warned this is not the case.

"Residents are advised to park their vehicle entirely on their own property during these times or in a legal on-street parking bay," she said.

"The city's parking compliance officers have spoken to residents in this area, and have informed them that the prohibitions govern the entire area irrelevant of whether they live there or are simply a parent dropping a child to school.

"Parking prohibitions are often necessary near schools to minimise congestion, prevent inappropriate parking and most importantly allow children to cross the road safely, as parked vehicles can obstruct the view of children crossing the road."
