WA News

'The biggest thing I've ever seen': Massive cruise ship docks in Fremantle

It's worth a billion dollars, can carry more than four thousand passengers and is longer than the largest United States Navy aircraft carriers... and it just docked in Fremantle harbour.

The MS Ovation of the Seas is part of the second largest class of cruise ship in the world, and is the newest ship in the Royal Caribbean International fleet, having been launched in February this year.

The immense ship - more a floating city really - docked in Fremantle on Tuesday morning with hundreds of people lining the moles and quays to watch the very delicate docking operation.

Fremantle local Chris Garnaut went down to watch the action and said the Ovation looked enormous even while it was still far out to sea.

"It just got closer and closer and it was probably the biggest thing I've ever seen, a really amazing sight and a great atmosphere down at the docks," he said.


"As it was docking an A380 plane banked overhead to give its passengers a look at the ship below, and you had two of the world's biggest engineering marvels within sight of each other at the same time. 

"The docking went so smoothly - there were pilot ships spraying water cannons and welcoming her in."

With a top speed of 22 knots, 18 decks and over two thousand rooms for guests, the Ovation is the largest ship to dock in Fremantle ever and will stay in the port city until Wednesday.

The ship is the latest piece of mega-technology to vist Perth, following the arrival of the world's biggest plane the Antonov An-225 Mriya in May.
