
Joel Meares

Joel Meares is the Arts Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald. Joel joined the Herald in 2007 as a writer on the(sydney)magazine before leaving to study for his Masters at Columbia University in New York. He returned in 2014 and now oversees coverage of the arts.

The push for LGBTQI rights isn't about advancement, it's about catch-up.

What the gay community really wants

One of the most powerful words hurled at the gay community today doesn't start with an F. Or a P. Or any other ugly, lip-pursing consonant. It begins with a vowel and it might, on first listen, sound innocuous: agenda. 

Illuminating message: Demonstrators hold a neon sign reading "Love Trumps Hate" during a protest at Union Square in New York.

Why I'm unblocking my Trump-loving uncle on Facebook

It was heartbreaking to see my uncle's Facebook views against gay marriage and other minorities but I needed to step out of my Aussie-leftie-in-Brooklyn bubble and at least try to bridge the chasm of understanding.

LGBT voters may prove to be Hillary Clinton's secret weapon in the US election.

Why the gay community loves Hillary

Recent polls have Hillary Clinton winning more than 72 per cent of the LGBT vote and she's favoured over Donald Trump among the community by a margin of four-to-one – not so remarkable for a Democrat competing against a bigot in a bad suit.