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"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President - 1797 - 1801

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,487


Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan

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Obey: The Routine Of Obedience

"This film was absolutely WONDERFUL! It is inspiring and maddening"

Authority & Expectations

Smart and provocative young veteran, Wray Harris, unlocks the sufferings served by the Iraq war.

"I Am An American Indian Patriot"

"We live in a prisoner of war camp, that's why they call it a reservation"

A Pantomime World

By Adam Curtis

A fake bubble of certainty that has imprisoned us in the west - and is now preventing us from understanding what is really going on in the world outside.

The Power of Nightmares

By Adam Curtis

In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares.

“How we can solve the Palestinian-Israeli problem”,
  “I simply got tired of western mainstream media presenting the Palestinian-Israeli issue as being complex."

Miko Peled Debunks Jewish Myths

"If Anybody here, came hoping to hear a balanced presentation, then they are going to be sorely disappointed.

"Political Fraud"

Indoctrination By Propaganda Works

Lifting the Veil:
Obama and the Failure of Capitalist Democracy

This film explores the historical role of the Democratic Party as the “graveyard of social movements”.

Surviving Progress

The film connects financial collapse, growing inequality and global oligarchy with the sustainability of mankind itself.

Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine

A brief and crucial history of the United States

The Most Honest Three and a Half Minutes of Television. Ever......?

Scene of the new HBO series The Newsroom.

U.S. Helicopter Blasts Afghan Man to Pieces...
As The Pilot Sings 'Bye, Bye Miss American Pie'

It is the horrific moment an Afghan man is blown apart by a US missile.

The Power Principle

Simply brilliant. - This is probably the best film ever made about American foreign policy.

Managing Public Perception - Psywar

The real battlefield is your mind.

The Century of the Self

How politicians and business learned to create and manipulate mass-consumer society.

Why We Fight

What are the forces that shape and propel American militarism?

Norman Finkelstein: American Radical

Probing, definitive documentary about Jewish-American political scientist Norman Finkelstein

Stop the Machine!!!!!:
A brief and crucial history of the United States.

The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

Bill Moyer's 1987 scathing critique of the criminal subterfuge carried out by the Executive Branch of the United States Government

Lives In The Balance : Jackson Browne

"You might ask what it takes to remember
When you know that you've seen it before
Where a government lies to a people
And a country is drifting to war "

American Drug War - The Last White Hope

How money, power and greed have corrupted not just drug pushers and dope fiends, but an entire government.

How American News Media Works In Favor Of Israel
The Fourth World War

Documentary of radical resistance to global capitalism

The Israel Lobby

Does the United States in fact keep Israel on its feet? And how long will it continue to do so?

John Pilger: 'The War on Democracy'

The story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true nature of the so-called war on terror".

Dick Cheney '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire

Dick Cheney reveals the reasons why invading Baghdad and toppling Saddam Hussein wouldn't be a great idea.

Poison DUst

Poison DUst tells the story of young soldiers who thought they came home safely from the war, but didn't.

John Pilger: Truth Game

The worldwide propaganda surrounding the nuclear arms race is scrutinised.

The Road To Guantanamo

Three young British Muslims tell the story of how they came to be in US custody at Guantánamo for over two years, and discuss the Kafkaesque horrors that awaited them there


"I Witnessed The Degradation And Murder Of Detainees":

A prisoner of the "war on terror" disturbing allegations of mistreatment and murder.

Global Dimming

It reveals that we may have grossly underestimated the speed at which our climate is changing. At its heart is a deadly new phenomenon.

 An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore's Documentary on the dangers of climate change and global warming


America Freedom to Fascism

Startling facts about our laws, raising critical issues that Americans must consider if they are to be a free people.


Despotism & Democracy : Video

Explains how societies and nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated and respect for the individual is restricted.







































































































































































































































































































































































































Syria: East-Aleppo Siege Nears Its End
By Moon Of Alabama
Syria's alliance is winning, U.S. policy is changing and the end of the war is now foreseeable. - Continue


Trump’s Promised ‘New Foreign Policy’ Must Abandon Regime
By Ron Paul
Such a foreign policy would go a long way toward making us safer and more prosperous. - Continue


The Rules of the (Trump) Game
By Pepe Escobar
"it is fortunate that Trump has come in as President to wind down this mad house that they call Washington. - Continue


The Pentagon’s “2015 Strategy” For Ruling the World
By Mike Whitney
The Pentagon has merely updated the Bush Doctrine while softening the rhetoric. - Continue


Full Speech: President-Elect Donald Trump "THANK YOU" Rally
Donald Trump Kicks Off Victory Tour in Cincinnati, OH . - Continue


The Mafia State
By Chris Hedges
What comes next, history has shown, will not be pleasant. - Continue


Chosen Leaders, Proven Failures and Political Debacles
By James Petras
This is how working class and community-based electorates are seduced into voting against their real class, national, community. - Continue


Publish, Punish, and Pardon
By Pratap Chatterjee
Nine Things Obama Could Do Before Leaving Office to Reveal the Nature of the National Security State. - Continue


The Smear Campaign Against Keith Ellison Is Repugnant
By Glenn Greenwald
The first American Muslim elected to the U.S. Congress, has been the target of a defamation campaign that is deceitful, repugnant, and yet quite predictable. - Continue


Airstrikes kill 34 in Syria: Pro-rebel monitor; At least 34 people were killed on Sunday by intensified airstrikes on rebel-held areas in Syria's northern province of Idlib, a monitor group reported.

Militant Shelling Kills Civilians in Syria’s Nubl, Zahra; Dozens of Syrian civilians were killed and injured in rocket attacks carried out by Takfiri militants for a third successive day in the towns of Nubl and Zahra near Aleppo as the Syrian army is making huge gains on the ground in northwestern Aleppo province.

2 Russian paramedics killed, 1 gravely injured in militant attack on hospital in Aleppo – MoD; One Russian medic was killed immediately at the Russian military mobile hospital set up in western Aleppo, and another died later in a hospital after succumbing to her injuries, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

Syria "rebels" rule out withdrawal from Aleppo: SYRIAN rebels overnight ruled out a pullout from east Aleppo despite sweeping government advances, after Moscow announced it would hold talks with Washington on their withdrawal from the city.

Rebels defiant as Syrian army nears Aleppo's Old City; Western and regional states backing the rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad appear unwilling or unable to do anything to prevent a major defeat for those fighting to topple the Syrian leader

UN to vote on Aleppo ceasefire; It urges all parties to the conflict in Syria to “immediately cease any attacks in the city of Aleppo to allow urgent humanitarian needs to be addressed” for a period of seven days that could be extended, the sources added.

More militants surrender to Syrian Army in rural Damascus; Some 450 rebel fighters and outlaws from the city of Al-Kiswah and neighboring towns in southern Damascus have just turned themselves in to the Syrian Army, thus ending years-long fight against government forces.

U.S. Congress is trying to send anti-aircraft missiles to Syria’s jihadist-infested rebellion; For the first time in the Pentagon’s legislative blueprint, the United States government will be permitted to sell Man Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) to Syrian opposition units that have been vetted by the intelligence community.

Fearing abandonment by Trump, CIA-backed rebels in Syria mull alternatives; Among the options, are a closer alliance with better-armed al-Qaeda and other extremist groups, receipt of more sophisticated weaponry from Sunni states in the Persian Gulf region opposed to a U.S. pullback

EU’s Syria Plan B sees Assad staying, Brussels paying for it – Times: The EU is reportedly planning to offer Damascus financial aid in exchange for allowing rebel forces stay in power in some regions of Syria. Brussels is no longer insisting on the retirement of Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to the Times.

Airstrike kills, wounds 22 ISIS militants near Kirkuk; “The airs strike resulted in the killing of eight ISIS members and wounding of 14 others,” the media outlet added.

ISIS executes 11 persons near Kirkuk, including whole family; Today, ISIS executed four youths from al-Baghaliya village, in Hawija district, for collaborating with security forces, the source told Alsumaria News.

West Mosul shelled as Iraq steps up fight against Islamic State: Western-backed Iraqi forces have begun shelling parts of west Mosul, residents said, in preparation for a new front against Islamic State seven weeks into a difficult campaign to drive the militants from the city.

Iraq denies Daesh leader Baghdadi was killed; A senior Iraqi security source inside the country’s Nineveh province dismissed reports that the leader of Daesh, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, was dead, according to Russian news agency Sputnik.

Defense Secretary says US, partners need to stay in Iraq: The American military, along with its international partners, will need to remain in Iraq even after the expected defeat of the Islamic State group, outgoing Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Saturday.

Iran seeks more cooperation with Saudi Arabia; " Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman says the Islamic Republic and its regional rival Saudi Arabia can and should cooperate to resolve regional crises.

Saudi jets attack Pakistani boat off Yemen, kill six sailors; The Saudi jets targeted a boat carrying 12 Pakistani sailors off Mukha coast in the Yemeni province of Ta’izz on Sunday, Yemen’s Saba news agency said.

Saudi aggression air strikes kill woman, wound 2 daughters in Baqi; A woman was killed and two daughters were wounded when a Saudi aggression air strikes launched five Strikes on al-Mhjar area in Baqim district of Saada province overnight, a security official told Saba on Monday.

Boris Johnson says 'we do not think the threshold has been crossed' by Saudi Arabia's bombing of Yemen: Boris Johnson has insisted a “threshold has not been crossed” by Saudi Arabia in its bombardment of Yemen.

Israel government nears deal that could 'legalise' settler homes; International community considers all Jewish settlements on occupied land to be illegal, whether authorised by Israel or not. Homes located in Israel-approved settlements were built on Palestinian land

Central African Republic: Civilians Killed During Clashes: Serious fighting in the Central African Republic in late November 2016 between two Seleka groups left at least 14 civilians dead and 76 wounded, Human Rights Watch said today.

Libyan forces claim control of ISIL stronghold of Sirte; Hundreds of loyalist troops and unknown number of ISIL fighters killed as pro-government forces seize coastal city.

With fall of Sirte, IS down but not out in Libya; The fall of Sirte to pro-government forces is a significant setback for the Islamic State group in Libya, but will not spell the end of the jihadists in the strife-torn country, experts say.

Relations between US and UN strained over Afghanistan war reports; US military is increasingly trying to control public information about conflict, nearly leading to ban on UN staff from Kabul base.

Trump’s Taiwan phone call was long planned, say people who were involved: Donald Trump’s protocol-breaking telephone call with Taiwan’s leader was an intentionally provocative move that establishes the incoming president as a break with the past.

Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-Wen ‘initiated’ phone call with Donald Trump; It was Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen who initiated the unprecedented phone conversation with United States president-elect Donald Trump, following weeks of intense lobbying from Taipei, the island’s presidential spokesman told the South China Morning Post.

Ukraine: Five police killed in friendly-fire shoot-out; The overnight shoot-out between two sets of police began when each side believed the other to be criminals. It happened near Kiev and has been described as a "heartbreaking tragedy".

‘I rigged parliament votes for President Poroshenko’ – fugitive Ukrainian MP; The money used to buy votes had been embezzled from the state coffers and even includes funds provided to Ukraine by the International Money Fund, Aleksandr Onishchenko said in a Skype interview to Russian TV.

Propaganda alert; The US military now sees Russia as its biggest threat; : Russia's increasing military activities around the world have unsettled top US military officials, who say they are reshaping their budget plans to better address what they now consider to be the most pressing threat to US security.

Austria far-right candidate Norbert Hofer defeated in presidential poll; Mr Van der Bellen, 72, won with about 53% of the votes - a projection, as postal ballots are still being counted.

Italy referendum: 'Period of uncertainty' predicted after Matteo Renzi's defeat – live; Prime minister confirms he will resign following heavy referendum defeat, and Austria elects left-leaning president over Norbert Hofer

Italian banks tumble as investors eye contagion risk; Shares in Italy's beleaguered banks tumbled by up to 6% as investors took fright at the decisive 'no' vote in the country's constitutional referendum.

French PM Valls running for president: French Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Monday threw his hat in the ring to succeed Francois Hollande in next year's presidential election. "I am a candidate for the presidency of the Republic," he said.

Greece must reform or leave eurozone, says German minister: Wolfgang Schäuble rules out debt relief for Greece before meeting of eurozone’s finance ministers

Muslim cleric is in US court fighting against deportation; Imam Mohammad Qatanani is the leader of the Islamic Center of Passaic County. A judge ruled against immigration authorities' attempt to have him deported eight years ago. Federal officials say he didn't disclose being convicted in Israel for being a member of Hamas

What's the future of US for-profit immigrant detention?; The president-elect has been widely criticised for his anti-immigrant positions and has vowed to bulk up border, immigration and police authorities - possibly preventing for-profit detention centres from closing.

Standing Rock: Army denies Dakota pipeline permit; Victory for Native Americans and climate activists who had been protesting against the $3.8bn project.

US Congress overwhelmingly backs $619 billion Pentagon budget; By an overwhelming 375-34 vote, the US House of Representatives last Friday passed a $619 billion Pentagon budget that ensures the growth of war and militarism under an incoming Trump administration

VA may have infected 600 veterans with HIV and Hepatitis: Nearly 600 veterans could have been infected with HIV, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C at a Veterans Affairs facility in Tomah, Wis. because a dentist didn’t properly clean his instruments.

Proposed 'Anti-Semitism Awareness Act' is an Unconstitutional Mess: Bob Casey (D-PA) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) have introduced the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act which is meant to "to ensure the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) has the necessary statutory tools at their disposal to investigate anti-Jewish incidents" on college campuses.

New York Governor blacklists BDS businesses: "This state will not stand for the politics of discrimination... and we will continue to demonstrate our unwavering support for the people of Israel in the fight for freedom, liberty and democracy."

Dow jumps to record high; The Dow Jones industrial average gained around 100 points to hit a new record high, with Goldman Sachs contributing the most gains. The S&P 500 advanced 0.69 percent, with energy rising more than 1 percent to lead advancers.

Trump hasn't taken office yet, but he's probably already had an impact on your finances; The bulls are running now, but economists say the honeymoon could end as soon as the president-elect outlines specifics.

Trump visits Carrier factory in Indiana to begin ‘thank you tour' – video : The US president-elect visited air-conditioner maker factory on Thursday to celebrate election win and for keeping 1,000 jobs there from moving to Mexico.

Trump's Carrier speech 'absolutely chilling,' economic analyst says; President-elect Donald Trump's speech about his deal to keep Carrier jobs in the United States was "absolutely the worst speech," economic policy analyst Jimmy Pethokoukis told CNBC on Thursday.

Trump Is Going After Another Company for Sending Jobs Overseas: In a tweet sent late Friday, Trump went after Rexnord over its plans to move a plant from Indianapolis to Mexico. “Rexnord of Indiana is moving to Mexico and rather viciously firing all of its 300 workers,” the tweet read. “This is happening all over our country. No more!”

Trump to Nominate Ben Carson as Housing, Urban Development Secretary: In the statement, Trump said he was "thrilled" to nominate Carson, who dropped out of the campaign race in March after a string of disappointing primary finishes on Super Tuesday.

Federal Judge Orders Michigan Recount To Start Today At Noon As Stein Vows New Lawsuit In PA; After both Trump and Stein, among others, filed lawsuits last Friday in Michigan, it seems that U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith has cleared the path for a recount this morning

December 03/04, 2016


The Coming War on China
By John Pilger
The greatest build-up of American-led military forces since the Second World War is well under way. - Continue


Will Vietnam Embrace China After Trump Got Elected?
By Andre Vltchek
People are demanding the re-introduction of essential socialist principles. - Continue


Was 11/8 a New 9/11?
By Tom Engelhardt
Forget Vladimir Putin and his rickety petro-state: the most dangerous nation on the planet will now be ours. - Continue


Hands off the Iran Deal
By Eric S. Margolis
Republicans in Congress clearly choose Israel’s demands over jobs for tens of thousands of US workers. - Continue


Why Everything You’ve Read About Syria and Iraq Could be Wrong
By Patrick Cockburn
Journalists and public alike should regard all information about Syria and Iraq with reasoned scepticism. - Continue


7 Reasons that the Corporate Media Is Pro-War
By WashingtonsBlog
The government has exerted tremendous pressure on the media to report things a certain way. - Continue


The 'Washington Post' 'Blacklist' Story Is Shameful and Disgusting
By Matt Taibbi
"Those who do not spew the official line will be increasingly demonized". - Continue


A Bare-Knuckle Fight Over Recounts
By Joe Lauria
Democrats are trying to stop Donald Trump’s inauguration by claiming Russian interference in the election and Trump is now challenging the recounts. - Continue


Trump’s Appointments - What Do They Mean?
By Paul Craig Roberts
You can bet your life that Israel is lobbying hard for the neocons. - Continue


The Year Globalism Burst
By Pål Steigan
The multi-national corporations conquers the world, shattering nations and peoples under its mighty wheels like a juggernaut. - Continue


Rafael Correa's Moving Farewell to Fidel
'Fidel will continue to live in the faces of the children who go to school, in the sick whose lives are saved.' - Continue


30 killed in suicide attack on Shia militiamen in N. Iraq: Army forces killed 17 Daesh militants during the attack. At least 13 members of a pro-government Shia militia were killed Saturday in a suicide bombing near the majority-Turkmen city of Tel Afar in northern Iraq.

Least 24 Killed In Iraq's Mosul In ISIS Attack: At least 24 people were killed in an attack by the Islamic State militant group in the Iraqi city of Mosul on Saturday.

Over 1,900 Iraqi security forces killed by ISIS as fight for Mosul rages: At least 1,959 members of the Iraqi security forces have been killed since the launch of the anti-ISIS Mosul operation on 17 October, according to the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

UN to stop publishing Iraq military casualty figures; “UNAMI acknowledges that the military figures were largely unverified,” reads a statement published by the UN’s Iraqi mission on Saturday. On Thursday, UNAMI reported that 1,959 Iraqi Security Forces, including army, police, and Peshmerga, had been killed in the month of November.

ISIS transfers its heavy weapons from Anbar to Syria; Anbar Operations Command announced on Friday, that the Islamic State group (ISIS) started to transfer its heavy weapons and military equipment from areas west of Anbar to Syria, in order to avoid being destroyed during the liberation battles.

Two Syrian pilots killed as rebels shoot down jet over eastern Aleppo; The plane crashed overnight, at around 1:00 AM local time, in a rebel-held urban area between Aleppo Citadel and the National Eye Hospital. The pilots, a Major and a Captain, did not manage to eject in time and died upon impact

Syrian forces liberate half of Aleppo's east from rebels: Government pounds rebel-held areas as the bloody four-year stalemate over key city appears to be coming to an end.

Lavrov: Kerry finally presented proposals on Aleppo in line with Russia’s stance;“Moscow is ready to immediately send our military experts and diplomats to Geneva to work out joint actions with our US colleagues in line with the [new] American proposals, which would ensure the withdrawal of all militants without exception from eastern Aleppo,

Kremlin asks Erdogan to clarify ‘anti-Assad’ goals in Syria; “We entered [Syria] to end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad who terrorizes with state terror. [We didn’t enter] for any other reason,” the Turkish president said

Saudi jets kill seven civilian in Yemeni capital: Saudi Arabia continues to launch airstrikes against its impoverished neighbor, Yemen, killing at least seven civilians in the latest such attacks in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a.

Yemeni snipers kill 4 Saudi troopers: Yemeni army soldiers, backed by fighters from allied Popular Committees, have shot dead four Saudi troops in the kingdom’s southwestern border regions of Jizan and Asir amid Riyadh’s aerial attacks against its beleaguered southern neighbor.

Yemen forces prepare assault on rebels near key strait: Shiite Huthi insurgents and their allies, forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, control most of the country's Red Sea coastline.

Most Democrats consider Israel is ‘a burden’ on US: While a majority of Americans (57%) said they would like President-elect Donald Trump to be an impartial mediator between Israel and the Palestinians, 57% also said they believed Trump would lean towards Israel in any negotiations.

What Makes Israeli Apartheid ‘Special’? ; Both countries were established as settler-colonial states. Both were ethnocentric states, and both created Bantustans or zones of limited autonomy for the oppressed indigenous population.

Somali forces kill seven in clash with faction loyal to Islamic State; “We killed seven Isis and took their guns - now we are in the village,” Captain Mohamed Saiid, head of a Puntland military unit, told Reuters by satellite phone from the scene.

IS women bombers, kill four Libyan forces in Sirte: Several women blew themselves up on Friday in suicide attacks that killed four Libyan soldiers who had granted them safe passage to leave buildings under the control of Islamic State militants, a spokesman for government forces said.

Libya capital clashes 'worst in two years': Clashes are continuing for the second day among heavily-armed militias in the Libyan capital Tripoli, with one dislodging another in at least two posts, a five-star hotel and a barracks, in what appears to be the worst outbreak of violence in the city in two years.

58 killed in Afghanistan clashes; According to Afghan Police sources, the killings, including twenty three civilians, twenty nine Taliban and six security forces members.

U.S. warns China it will target firms for illicit North Korea business: The United States has warned China it will blacklist Chinese companies and banks that do illicit business with North Korea if Beijing fails to enforce U.N. sanctions against Pyongyang, according to senior State Department officials.

The Coming War on China review – discomfiting doc exposes US nuclear tactics: John Pilger lays bare the historical horrors of the US military in the Pacific, exposing the paranoia and pre-emptive aggression of its semi-secret bases

Critics say Trump's call with Taiwan may alter decades of foreign policy; Call was first publicly known between US and Taiwan leaders since 1979

China Hits Back at Trump's Taiwan Call; U.S. President-elect Donald Trump broke established diplomatic protocol after speaking by phone with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on Friday, China has since lodged a diplomatic protest labeling the exchange "petty."

Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry : Woman who talked to mayor about airport expansion plans said she was associated with Trump Organization, official says

Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-Wen ‘initiated’ phone call with Donald Trump; It was Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen who initiated the unprecedented phone conversation with United States president-elect Donald Trump, following weeks of intense lobbying from Taipei, the island’s presidential spokesman told the South China Morning Post.

Trump Extends White House Invite to Philippine Leader Who Called Obama 'Son of a Bitch': The 'animated' phone call and subsequent invitation are a marked change from official U.S. policy following the souring of relations between Manila and Washington.

Austrian election campaign draws to a close; A victory on Sunday for Norbert Hofer from the anti-immigration and EU-critical Freedom Party (FPOe) would make him Europe's first far-right elected president since 1945.

U.S. Journalists and Professors Appearing on RT America Get Blacklisted: Some independent journalists and university professors in the United States who have appeared on RT television to criticize either runaway corruption on Wall Street or in Washington, have landed on two newly created blacklists.

Bill Targeting “Russian Propaganda” Passes in House; It’s easy to see how this law, if passed by the Senate and signed by the president, could be used against “fake news” websites.

Kissinger and Brzezinski to be honoured by Nobel Institute and Oslo University; These two top officials behind major US wars and regime change will speak at the first of a new event, The Nobel Peace Prize Forum Oslo, created by the Nobel Institute in Oslo.

Cuba-Trained Doctors Head to Standing Rock; A group of U.S.-based medical professionals trained at Cuba’s famous Latin American School of Medicine, or ELAM, announced they will head to Standing Rock “to humbly serve in solidarity with the Sacred Water Protector

Tulsi Gabbard Tells Obama To Halt Dakota Access Pipeline; Video; Gabbard announced plans to join thousands of veterans from across the country to stand in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux in North Dakota this weekend.

Trump stands with Big Oil, backs the Dakota Access pipelinetheir water.: “All Americans” apparently doesn’t include the tribes trying to protect

Donald Trump Targets Second Indiana Plant Over Plans to Shift to Mexico; “Rexnord of Indiana is moving to Mexico and rather viciously firing all of its 300 workers,” Mr. Trump wrote at 10:06 p.m. on Twitter. “This is happening all over our country. No more!”

Ford Willing to Work With Trump; Ford plans to lobby the new president to soften U.S. and state fuel-economy rules. They hurt profits by forcing automakers to build more electric cars and hybrids than are warranted by customer demand, he said.

U.S. judge denies pro-Trump groups' effort to halt Wis. recount: U.S. District Judge James Peterson rejected their request for a temporary restraining order to immediately halt the Wisconsin recount. A hearing on the lawsuit is scheduled for Dec. 9.

Pa Tally Complete: Trump Wins By 45,000 Votes: Pennsylvania final numbers Trump Beat Hillary by over 45,000 votes Decision Desk HQ Trump 2,961,875 Clinton 2,915,440

VP Pence Lays Out Aggressive Agenda For First 100 Days: The priorities of the first 100 days laid out by Pence are not terribly surprising and include reforming immigration, repealing and replacing Obamacare, filling the vacant Supreme Court seat and overhauling the tax code.

House passes $611 billion defense policy bill by wide margin: The bill also bars the Pentagon from reducing the number of military bases even though senior U.S. defense officials said there is excess capacity, and it awards U.S. troops their largest pay raise in six years.

Goldman Says Trump's Presidency Will Benefit Stocks in Almost Every Sector; While many of the Goldman analysts surveyed are optimistic, the firm's Chief U.S. Equity Strategist David Kostin also sounded a note of caution.

The Really Rich Got Richer, According to IRS’s Top 400: The total income reported on the top 400 individual tax returns rose 20% in 2014, according to Internal Revenue Service data released Thursday.

Americans Not In The Labor Force Soar To Record 95.1 Million: Jump By 446,000 In One Month

Law Enforcement, Military, and Security Advisors Urge Homeland Security to Shift Away from Private Prisons: The Department of Homeland Security voted on Thursday to recommend that the agency shift away from using private prisons to detain immigrants.














Headlines Continued








































Key Articles

Zionism's Jewish Enemy


Alan Hart Interviews Professor Ilan Pappe, Israel’

US Protection Racket Root of Korea Conflict

By Finian Cunningham

The conflict emanates from Washington and is perpetuated by Washington. Why? To justify what would otherwise be seen as simply outrageous US militarism in the Asia Pacific.

Iran: The Real Story Versus the Cover Story: By Mark H Gaffney

The American people need to know the truth. This is a phony crisis

America's War for Global Domination: by Michel Chossudovsky

The wars on Afghanistan and Iraq are part of a broader military agenda, which was launched at the end of the Cold War. The ongoing war agenda is a continuation of the 1991 Gulf War and the NATO led wars on Yugoslavia (1991-2001).

The Plan is for the United States to rule the world: By David Armstrong

The overt theme is unilateralism, but it is ultimately a story of domination. It calls for the United States to maintain its overwhelming military superiority and prevent new rivals from rising up to challenge it on the world stage.

Lets Not Forget: Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President - By Neil Mackay

A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime change' even before he took power in January 2001.

The president's real goal in Iraq: By JAY BOOKMAN

29 September 2002. - The official story on Iraq has never made sense.

The Project for the New American Century: By William Rivers Pitt

02/25/03 - The Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, is a Washington-based think tank created in 1997. Above all else, PNAC desires and demands one thing: The establishment of a global American empire to bend the will of all nations.

Memo: Bush made intel fit Iraq policy: By WARREN P. STROBEL and JOHN WALCOTT

A highly classified British memo, leaked in the midst of Britain's just-concluded election campaign, indicates that President Bush decided to overthrow Iraqi President Saddam Hussein by summer 2002 and was determined to ensure that U.S. intelligence data supported his policy.

UK Ministers Knew WMD Was "Excuse": By Michael Smith

MINISTERS were warned in July 2002 that Britain was committed to taking part in an American-led invasion of Iraq and they had no choice but to find a way of making it legal.

Iran: The Real Story Versus the Cover Story: By Mark H Gaffney

The American people need to know the truth. This is a phony crisis

Will Iran Be Next?: by Mark Gaffney

Those who have hoped that a U.S. military victory in Iraq would somehow bring about a more peaceful world are in for a rude awakening. The final resolution of this war and the U.S. occupation of Iraq will likely not be the end, rather, only the prelude to a succession of future crises: in Kashmir, Syria, North Korea, and Iran.

Does Iran's President Want Israel Wiped Off The Map? - Does He Deny The Holocaust?

An analysis of media rhetoric on its way to war against Iran - Commenting on the alleged statements of Iran's President Ahmadinejad .


  "Rebuilding America's Defenses"
Blueprint of the PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony

Some people have compared it to Hitler's publication of Mein Kampf, which was ignored until after the war was over.
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