Showing newest posts with label indie free festival rock pedion areos athens by night crowd metropolis party solines void network global eye antiglobal. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label indie free festival rock pedion areos athens by night crowd metropolis party solines void network global eye antiglobal. Show older posts


Void History: INDIE FREE FESTIVAL no.17 / 13_10_07

Void Network
(Theory,Utopia,Empathy,Ephemeral Arts)
temporary autonomous ecstatic zone
saturday 13 october / Pedion Areos
(Athens central Park)
from 16.00 until next morning
stage 1
[underground rock]
stage 2
[ambientrancedelica experience]

it was a wonderful night / squatted central park / two stages / rock stage and electronica stage...after 12 o clock it turns to trance stage / 3000 people / from 3.30 in the afternoon to 10 o clock in the next morning / very beautifull people coming/ the friends/ the athens scene/ the bands /a temporary autonomous zone/people spend their time happy together / for 17 years/ year after year / the new bands of the alternative underground scene together with some of the pioneer older groups/ hundreds of great underground bands invited until now from Void Network to play on the stage of Indie Free Festival/ more than 100 high quality demos and records come to our hands every year for to find place in the programme of the festival/ all the people of the collective participate in the hard decision of choosing the bands that will play this year/hundreds of activists and artists participated for free, without any salary for the creation of this fantastic free festival/ autonomous zone/ a collective explosion/ a moment of life

the video is directed by Global Eye/London Void Network
from stage 1 / a great anthem of the Greek underground/ rock anti consumerism /antiwork /anticapitalistic anthem : "Solines" (the tubes) by one of the most important dadaists of Greece :
The Lost Bodies
more info about Lost Bodies in