Middle East & North Africa


The big challenge facing the EU is how it can reconcile its new policy of promoting stabilisation and security in the Middle East with human rights and democratisation.


How many supporters does Assad actually still have? Obviously not even enough to cast different extras for two short television clips.


This trilingual webdossier presents analysis and perspectives from a wide range of international and regional experts on how climate change, resource and energy politics relate to political and social change.

The geographic and social fragmentation of the Palestinian people is essentially a result of the conflict in the Middle East. This topic represents the main focus of our two-day conference with international experts in March 2010. Our dossier provides further information about the conference and the invited experts.


Perspectives Issue#9 - A Region Heating Up: Climate Change Activism in the Middle East and North Africa

The Middle Eastern and Northern African (MENA) region, faced with tumultuous changes in the last five years, shows a picture of shrinking spaces for civil society activism. In contrast, ecological activism is growing and connecting the fight for climate justice to other demands for community and indigenous rights, gender equality, democracy and transparency.

Cover: Identity and Exile

Over five million Iranians in exile – about 120,000 of which live in Germany. The contributions in this volume provide the impetus for an exemplary discussion of the productive potential of the Diaspora.



The repression of civil societies activites in countries like Egypt and Russia are justified with the "protection of the states sovereignity" and the "principle of non-intervention". When unwelcomed critique is silenced, activists need all our solidarity and support.


Barbara Unmüßig behind the lectern

Torture and sexualized violence are part of everyday life in Syrian prisons. However, human rights violations committed by the Assad regime play no role at the Geneva peace talks. With this in mind, Barbara Unmüßig, calls for women to be included as peace negotiators.



Empowerment for women and youth is one of the main aims of the Moroccan association "The Human Touch". In this interview Fatima Ahouli, general secretary of the NGO, explains why it is so important to involve local residents in the planning of projects in the field of renewable energies.

More Articles on Middle East and North Africa

Protests in Egypt, photo taken on October 21, 2010

The civil society in Egypt is facing a disastrous suppression and realignment by the government. By returning to normal foreign policy operations this weakening condition for civil society could be even strengthened.

Passport with stamps

Born in Benin, Cléo left her country because of her transsexuality and her activism. After living in Tunisia for several years, she was recently granted asylum there. She tells us about her fight and her odyssey.

Street Art showing an Execution

The cases of Marwen and the six students from Kairouan who were arrested and sentenced for homosexual practices in 2015 received a lot of media coverage. However, that did not stop the spiral of violence against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people (LGBTs) in Tunisia. Homophobia can be deadly.


Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt at Night
In the Middle East and North Africa region, the Heinrich Böll Foundation maintains offices in Beirut, Ramallah, Tel Aviv, and Tunis, and there are co-operation projects in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, and Tunisia. Our Iran activities are coordinated from Berlin.


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